
  • Essay / Ignorance arises from lack of knowledge.

    Ben Okri's The Famished Road (1991) captures the innocent perspective of a child caught in the turmoil of Nigeria's independence. Azaro, the young protagonist, grows up in an unnamed rural village in the midst of change [assumed to be Nigeria]. The “spiritual child” of Abiku, he shuttles between the spirit world and the living world, his divided ontological state symbolizing the external conflicts between traditional Nigeria and the imposing Western world. As Abiku, a child “predestined for death,” Azaro defies his destiny in his precarious survival, tormented by his spirit companions who attempt to take his life and return him to the spirit world. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get the original essay The Hungry Road is a hybrid genre, primarily based on magical realism that allows for the integration of fantastical experiences into realistic fiction . Okri thus refutes the supposed superiority of Western knowledge systems. He constructs the spirit world as a tangible embodiment of traditional knowledge, just as real as the more familiar reality of the living world. In the mess of Western and Nigerian knowledge systems that collided before independence, Okri seeks to reject the supposed superiority of Western knowledge; “Everyone’s reality is made up of superstitions” (Okri, 2000). In the novel, Azaro's realization "that the ghosts and spirits were in the house because the officer was responsible for their deaths" (31), shows how Azaro's dual perspective "neutralizes any possibility of 'establish a hierarchy between magic and non-magic'. representations” (Whyte, 2013). Through the interaction of the two realms, the novel blurs the lines of reality, moving seamlessly between spooky and factual scenes. This creates an uncertain reality, caught between conflicting contexts, and knowledge thus becomes indeterminate. This is where ignorance manifests itself. Although overlooked throughout the novel, it captures individuals and society in the midst of a plethora of change, where the validity of knowledge and its relevance are constantly evolving. Fear, chaos, faith, and hope are all proliferated by ignorance, and ignorance continually dictates human propensities on individual, societal, and existential scales. Okri discloses the role of ignorance through its negative, positive and existential forms, while also considering the individual's awareness of its influence. The Famished Road captures the concept of ignorance as a reflection of its context, distorting Western prejudices about what constitutes knowledge in a broader perspective. Therefore, this essay seeks to expose ignorance through the question: "How does Ben Okri depict ignorance in The Famished Road?" » Fundamentally, ignorance arises from lack of knowledge. Knowledge is obtained from contexts and experiences. Therefore, restricted circumstances lead to the manifestation of ignorance. Azaro exists in a restricted context. A poor child from the Nigerian countryside, his world consists of the few places he frequents: his house, the Madame Koto bar and the forest. Beyond this, the descriptions become distorted and ephemeral where "all paths have broken" (78), suggesting his inability to comprehend knowledge existing beyond his contained reality. His own youth also limits his exposure to knowledge, with “You're too young to hear all this” (305) reflecting the way society creates contextual restrictions in order to protect itself. In this, the knowledge possessed reflects what is necessary toeach individual, because Azaro does not need superfluous and non-essential knowledge for survival. However, this is a concept distorted by wealth. With poverty, the father's attempts to acquire esoteric knowledge by buying books paralyze his family, because "his son is starving, his wife is thin" (419). In contrast, “We watched her learn to drive a car” (433) shows Madame Koto's indulgence in new learning, a luxury that can only be afforded with wealth. In this, ignorance is a reflection of socio-economic means. Ignorance is also a reflection of age. As Azaro grows, his immersion in the "Living World" (3) expands, while his interactions with the spirit world diminish, and his ignorance naturally echoes this. “When I was a child, I could read people’s minds. I could predict their future. (11) Mind reading is a skill that fades quickly, as Azaro's initial close affiliation with the spirit world diminishes. With this, his immersion in the living world broadens, as does his knowledge: "grumbling in an old and monotonous tone about the harshness of life, I listened attentively, because I began to understand a little what she meant” (177). Azaro's loss of spiritual knowledge and skills is replaced by practical understanding, reflecting his evolving context. Okri further manipulates the structure to reflect Azaro's evolving knowledge, as the illusory and distorted scenes of the spirit world become increasingly rare amid the more corporeal experiences of the living world. Change is described as being closely linked to ignorance. In the novel, the uncertainty of conflicting contexts creates difficulties in distinguishing knowledge from ignorance. “The rain made everything foreign. Its persistence impaired my vision. After a while, it seemed to me that beyond the screen was a bazaar of mysteries, a subcontinent of the forbidden. (334) The rain, symbol of transitions within the novel, blurs reality. Confusion emerges as a specific form of ignorance as "the fight has become confused." Everyone seemed to hit everyone. (327). With change, knowledge fluctuates and ignorance becomes dominant. From here, ignorance is described as an evolving phenomenon reflecting both the physical and social contexts in the novel. Building on this idea of ​​ignorance as only possessing irrelevant knowledge, Okri describes ignorance as benign. However, ignorance is not a force without consequences. This can be beneficial to create a knowledge dynamic. In a surreal dream sequence, a community of minds works to build a road. They possess “an infinity of hope and an eternity of struggles.” Nothing can destroy them except themselves and they will never complete the path that is their soul and they don't know it. (379) In this, Okri insinuates that their existence is sustained by their ignorance of the futility of their labor. Ignorance eases the burden of knowledge, manifesting hope. Furthermore, ignorance alludes to the emergence of curiosity, implied in the question: "Could these be the reasons why I wanted to be born - these paradoxes of things, the eternal changes, the enigma of living while we are alive” (559). Humanity's unease in the face of the unknown sparks progress. In the title The Famished Road, the metaphorical road of life is intrinsically linked to our hunger for more. “And because the Road was once a river, it was always hungry” illustrates the endless ignorance that we constantly seek to fill, by sustaining ourselves. Denial of our incapacityis also evident in Azaro's father's political attempts. His vain search for support is canceled because “most of them slammed their doors in his face.” (467) Ignorance, however, infuses unfettered energy as “His passion began to drive us slightly mad.” (469) It is the ignorance of its limits that gives it power. But for Azaro's mother, whose "eyes were narrowed as if they were continually trying to exclude most of what they saw" (265), ignorance is not sought for empowerment, but for liberation from reality. Likewise, drunkenness is an escape from the oppressive state of knowledge, for “a man must be able to hold his drink for drunkenness is sometimes necessary in this difficult life.” (42) This ignorance-seeking mentality also presents itself on a societal level. In the Azaro community, the cyclical existence of the Abiku children suggests that infant mortality is simply the result of restless minds, with the community's belief sustained only by denial of the finality of death. It is willful ignorance to obtain freedom from the onerous truth. This freedom is explored in more detail in minds. Ignorant of the living world and “unwilling to accept life” (4), their deliberate restriction of context ensures that they remain ignorant of sublunary suffering. And with that comes freedom. “We played so much because we were free” (3) and “freedom in the captivity of freedom” (559) directly contrast with Azaro's experience in the living world “weighed down by the unpredictability of life” (8). Through their ignorance, minds “knew no boundaries” (3), with Okri suggesting that the denial of limitations makes them immaterial. Ignorance, in this context, is shown as liberating, the world of Spirit existing in ignorance of suffering: "The world of pure dreams, where everything is made of enchantment, where there is no of suffering” (4). The ignorance of minds both of suffering and of their own limitations is emancipatory. However, Okri describes this state of ignorance and bliss as a “dream.” Images such as “sweet-tasting moonlight” (4) and “floating on the aquamarine air of love” (4) construct the idea that their context is illusory. Ignorance of reality is presented as liberating, but denial of reality creates worlds that are not entirely substantial or real, rather dreamlike. This can be thought to reflect a child's reality, where the boundaries between reality and imagination are blurred due to ignorance of the boundaries of reality. Ignorance is bliss, but pleasure is an illusion. In Azaro Village, ignorance often has a darker picture, as residents are inundated with great changes. The ambiguous figure of Madame Koto and her rapidly advancing bar symbolize the transformations. Throughout the novel, electricity replaces candles, politicians replace liquor patrons, and the increasing fatness of Madame Koto herself reflects her growing wealth. It is this evolving context that introduces incongruous knowledge into the village of Azaro. “Illiterate crowds gathered in front of the bar... They saw the cables, the wires, the pylons in the distance, but they did not see the famous electricity.” (427) For the inhabitants of the village, electricity is completely foreign. In relative terms, he did not exist for them before his inauguration at Madame Koto's Bar. Before, their ignorance of electricity made no sense. With changing contexts, their ignorance takes on new meaning. “The locals, who had no hope of being invited to the party, put on their best clothes and hung around the tent, hoping to catch a glimpse of the wild party,hoping even more for a different encounter, a ticket from the outer darkness where we were all watching. (517) Previously unimportant knowledge suddenly creates a deep divide, with those in the know avoiding those in uniform. In this, ignorance reflects necessity, but necessity reflects the ever-changing context. However, the need for certain knowledge can be misinterpreted. In reality, we often discard information that is essential or that quickly becomes essential. In the novel, in the midst of political turmoil, the inhabitants of the village of Azaro revolt against the two parties. Azaro remarks that it was “a night without memory”. It was a night that relives its corrosive recurrence on the road of our lives. (211) Despite his importance, ignorance soon consumes him because "people had forgotten, and those who hadn't just shrugged their shoulders and said it was all so long ago and things were too complicated to such memories.” (443) The revolt is considered unimportant. Yet Okri insinuates that the dismissal of history as trivial is what dictates the "corrosive recurrence on the path of our lives." (211) It is ignorance of past errors that causes its inevitable reappearance. This constructs the overall description of ignorance as harmful when the absent knowledge is important. This extends the concept of harm derived from the loss of knowledge that becomes relevant, through space, temporal or cultural contextual change. However, ignorance is not simply passive. Often obtaining information requires prior knowledge. Illiteracy, the inability to read or write, was debilitating for the father because he “began spending much of the money he had earned on buying books.” He couldn't read but he bought them. (468) He seeks to reduce his ignorance by accessing the information in books, but his ignorance of literacy limits him. His prolific boxing and reliance on physical strength eventually paralyze his mind with vivid hallucinations, but his illiteracy traps him and his political attempts fail. His ignorance thwarts his attempts to gain knowledge. Ignorance is both self-perpetuating and disabling. Vulnerable populations are an inevitable consequence of ignorance. The desperate demand for understanding, coupled with contextual illiteracy, often gives rise to distorted conceptions. With Madame Koto's sudden wealth, the false rumors that "It was said that she drank human blood to prolong her life and that she was over 100 years old" (428) are easily accepted by the village residents. Their misleading theories are mainly due to their innate desperation to understand. But this is also due to their prior contextual understandings. In the context of Nigeria, witchcraft is a legitimate explanation for its sudden success. At the beginning of the novel, the images surrounding Madame Koto, "the cauldron of pepper soup" (120) and "the white pearls she had buried in the ground at night" (120), authenticate Madame Koto's allegations of witchcraft in the context of traditional Nigeria. However, in the Western context in which Madame Koto operates, magic is not knowledge. Despite this, the illiteracy of the community in the new context means that rumors are accepted as fact: “The stories have forever distorted our perception of its reality. Little by little, they took control of his life, made themselves real and made it opaque to our eyes. (429) Their need for understanding presents falsehoods as facts, exacerbating ignorance. The constant concomitant of ignorance is fear. “I arrived in aa place I had never seen in my life before. All the houses were gigantic, the trees small, the sky low, the air golden. I tried to get out of this place. (78) Rich Western houses symbolize the new context, an unknown context that arouses fear. Faced with a record player, Azaro “fled a second time, ran away from the inhuman thing and fell backwards, stumbling” (314). In this way, ignorance is both the cause of fear and its result. His initial inability to understand the device causes his fear, and his fear drives him away from it, limiting his ability to learn. This also defines the characteristics of the spirits, with fear of the "heartlessness of human beings" (3) and the "rigors of existence" (3), keeping them trapped in their refusal to live. In this sense, ignorance is self-perpetuating. Yet what needs to be considered is the role of circumstances in defining the representation of ignorance. Childishness, a trait derived from the presence of ignorance that evolves from some experiences, is closely attributed to childhood. This makes ignorance unique and hence when observed in an adult, the seductive trait becomes abhorrent. In the father, a childlike character emerges after his fight with the Green Leopard [A Mystical Boxing Legend], as he succumbs to an illness of madness and confusion. During his illness, he is reduced to his basic mental abilities "as if he were the largest newborn in the world." (410) He was “tragic in his grotesque condition as an adult trapped in the consciousness of a child.” (411) His ignorance concerns his most immediate context, his body. However, knowledge is supposed to come with exposure to new contexts, so the father's fundamental ignorance goes against convention and is therefore bizarre. The father's illness and behavior, in particular, reflect Nigeria's position in the new world, an ancient nation suddenly reduced to infancy due to their ignorance of world affairs. In the novel, ignorance removed from its accepted place is confusing and uncomfortable, portraying ignorance as acceptable only in its specific context. In Okri's description of ignorance is the gap between acceptance and rejection of ignorance. For Azaro's mother, her ignorance is consciously acknowledged. She tells Azaro, “You must like school. If your father had gone to school, we wouldn't suffer so much. Learn everything you can learn. It's a new era. Independence is coming. (109) She acknowledges her past disdain for knowledge, wishing that Azaro would learn what she could not learn. In this, Okri recognizes the presence of a new concept of knowledge; self-awareness. Admitting the existence of ignorance allows us to exploit it as a positive state. On the other hand, recklessness towards ignorance can be detrimental. The antithesis of the mother lies in Azaro's father. “Dad started spending a lot of the money he had earned on books. He couldn't read but he bought them. (468) It seeks extrinsic contextual knowledge without the ability to understand. He ignores his own ignorance. This unconsciousness is seen in his creation of the Beggar's Party, where extravagant plans to "become a politician and bring freedom and prosperity to the world" (467) lead him to create the Beggar's Party, because "a new idealism had eaten into his brain” (468). He becomes so fascinated by his own aspirations that he becomes ignorant of his true surroundings. “He seemed to look at people as if they were transparent, without substance” (403) shows his inattention to his reality. His self-ignorance creates inferiority. The illiteracy offather and his lack of understanding of the Western context are evident, particularly in his attempts to decipher foreign notions. Yet in this case he seems to recognize his own faults: “It didn't take long for Dad to realize he didn't know what he was talking about” (469). However, despite his recognition, he ignores it, insisting on taking on an authoritative role, seeking to provide information: "People used to tell him their problems, when they asked him money, for advice on everything from how to get their children admitted. to the hospital to find out how to get books for their children” (470). Because inaccuracies are presented as fact, especially in the absence of a rational understanding of the new context, misconceptions spread quickly. His lack of awareness allows the contagious and almost insidious nature of ignorance to evolve. Lack of awareness is also seen as defensive, especially in the unawareness of introducing knowledge into the new context. Azaro says: “The world was changing and I continued to wander as if everything would always be the same.” Their attempts to preserve normalcy lead them to an inability to recognize change, as "they lamented the way children no longer respected their elders and blamed it all on the white man's way of life which spoiled the values ​​of the Africa”. They actively reject Western knowledge, unaware of its growing importance. Thus, the awareness of ignorance is not static, due to the constant evolution of knowledge. The Famished Road constructs ignorance as an inexorable state of being. Through this, Okri seeks to remove the concept of blame or inferiority, as ignorance affects everyone in unfamiliar contexts, without discrimination. Ignorance is inevitable and its acceptance is imperative. First, ignorance is not exclusive to traditional inhabitants. Although not as widely explored, the villagers' lack of familiarity with the encroaching West is reflected in the inexperienced white men upon their arrival in Nigeria. The inability to understand unfamiliar contexts is universal. Although the novel focuses on the trials of Azaro village, ignorance is not unique to it. With the intrusion of “white men” into rural areas of Nigeria, ignorance sets in. When immersed in an unfamiliar environment, all are rendered unconscious. Azaro's repeated wanderings see him stumble upon a construction site, serving as a small representation of the momentous change befalling Nigeria. Western workers are at the mercy of context-based Nigerian traditions, knowledge and conceptions, and therefore ignore local knowledge and dogmas. When a construction worker “crushes the lizard’s head,” the environment retaliates; “the flies harassed him/the red ants formed an army”. (320) Okri uses personification to represent the white men's ignorance of the importance of the land, their isolation in an unfamiliar context making them victims. “Suddenly the path turned into a ditch. The earth moved... The white man screamed, his binoculars flew into the air and I saw him slide out of sight. (331) The white man, equipped with binoculars and glasses, tools often associated with obtaining information, is unable to understand his environment, creating helpless individuals. In this, no system of knowledge is superior to another; all are illiterate in foreign contexts. Ignorance results from the existence of multiple knowledge systems. Furthermore, Okri removes the supposed superiority of Western culture..