
  • Essay / Difference Between Bullying and Social Bullying

    Usually, a more practiced bullying technique involves calling an individual names as a verbal bully, which can also include teasing and taunting. Additionally, a bully may cause bodily harm to a person and break or steal their items. A newer form of bullying is cyberbullying. On the Internet, you can do or say whatever you want, but there is still a digital footprint. Cyberbullying and social bullying are similar in the sense of wanting to embarrass others or spread rumors, focusing on singling out one person and ultimately leaving them out. Bullying can happen anywhere, from school to school. Although bullying is most commonly reported in schools, it can take place in areas like parks. Since bullying does not involve just one person, many roles are played during acts of bullying. Individuals may bully, be bullied, or witness some type of bullying. Various interventions take place to prevent and respond to harassment. When labeling someone a bully, we need to consider why the bully acts that way. Another factor to consider is that the bully may feel that they will never change things.