
  • Essay / Personality Dysfunctions of Winnie the Pooh Characters

    Table of ContentsWinnie the PoohPigletEeyoreRabbitOwlChristopher Robin Return for a moment, if you will, to a time of much simpler thought and understanding. Take your time as this will create disparate experiences as the person differs. Back to the days when we received news and understood that it was superficial information and didn't notice the twisted underlying themes or sly adult jokes inserted into our censored kid-friendly books and shows . Now look at them with the eyes you currently have (assuming you have eyes, there's nothing wrong with not having any, except you won't be able to read this for yourself and the someone else's voice could remove the creativity from your perception) and realize the plethora of childhood entertainment measures and notice the tricks of the cunning authors and creators of these stories. You'll notice that when you think about it, the story of Winnie the Pooh comes to mind, the story of a boy named Christopher Robin and his endeavors with Winnie the Pooh and the other residents of Hundred Acre Woods . Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on 'Why violent video games should not be banned'? Get the original essay Alan Alexander Milne (AA Milne) wrote the stories for his son, Christopher Robin Milne, as childish entertainment pieces with the intention of then being children's stories and nothing more. This intention was far from a reality as his authorial work is obscured by the four children's stories and caused many problems for Milne and his family. The main problem being between Milne and his son Christopher Robin, as he describes in his autobiography, his father "...had robbed me of my reputation and left me with nothing but the vain glory of being his son" . The difficult relationship affected Milne in his final days as he ended his life unlike the success of Winnie the Pooh bringing joy to others, to the extent that his end of life was not joyful as he had a stroke in 1952 which limited him to a wheelchair until his arrival. died in 1956. The importance of Winnie the Pooh being an example of childhood stories that bring new light and perspective as an adult is the analysis of its characters. Fans have long said that the characters of Winnie the Pooh each suffer from a personality dysfunction based on the actions of the characters in the stories. The personality dysfunction associated with each character as well as that character's actions that suggest their association with such disorders will be explored through character analysis of Milne's creation of each character's storyline in the original Winnie the Pooh stories. 'bear cub. The explanation of the personality dysfunction associated with the characters as well as their connection through actions in the stories and the extent of the associations of their personality traits with the disorder will be explored. The goal of the research is to discover the extent to which fans are correct in their suggestion of a correlation between the characters and the actual behavior of the characters in the first story of the quartet of children's tales, Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh Winne the Pooh is the main character who "lives as Sanders" in the Hundred Acre Forest. Winnie the Pooh is associated with "addictive personality disorder" in reference to his love of honey and his incessant actions to obtain honey at all costs. Addictive personality is an “…informal term based on the belief that some people have a setparticular personality traits that predispose them to addiction…” and can serve as a gateway to other dysfunctions or personality disorders). There are a few characteristics associated with addiction, such as: impulsivity, sensation-seeking behavior, negative affect, negative urgency, neuroticism, unpleasantness, narcissism, and even aggression. Impulsivity can sometimes be described as spontaneous actions without much concern for the consequences of such actions which could lead to risky behaviors. Sensation-seeking behavior is similar to impulsivity, adding reason to actions to meet the need for a certain experience. Negative affect refers to unpleasant emotions – anger and sadness – that lead to maladaptive behavior, including substance abuse. Urgency is how quickly a person responds to distress, and with this urgency, they may have difficulty managing their stress in a healthy way and often turn to substance abuse to cope. Neuroticism includes people who react negatively to adversity with emotions such as anger, sadness, anxiety, and irritability. Nastiness refers to the correlation between dependence and selfishness, hostility, and lack of cooperation. Aggression is characterized by hostility and violent behavior toward others and narcissism suggests a heightened sense of self-importance, both associated with video game addiction. Piglet Piglet is the adorable pig-based character who is considered Pooh's sidekick since he is with Pooh in the majority of his endeavors. Although it may seem like a part of your personality, anxiety is not considered a personality disorder because personality disorders are psychological and take on personality characteristics that differ significantly from cultural norms, to the point of cause significant distress and interpersonal relationships. problems. Anxiety-related personality disorders are separated into three groups A, B and C used by the DSIM-IV-TR which is used to assess personality disorders. Group A includes paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders. Paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is a mental condition of long-term patterns of distrust and suspicion of others, but it is not a full-blown psychotic disorder like schizophrenia. Schizoid personality disorder is a pattern of indifference to social relationships, with a limited range of emotional expression and experience. Schizotypal personality disorder is described as strange or eccentric behavior with few or no close relationships and a general lack of understanding of the shape of relationships or the impact of their behavior on others. Group B includes antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders. Antisocial personality disorder, also known as sociopathy, is a mental condition in which people show no understanding or care for right versus wrong and ignore the rights and feelings of others. Borderline personality disorder, also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, consists of abnormal behavior such as unstable relationships with people, unstable self-esteem, and long-term unstable emotions. Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by a constant need for attention, emotional overreaction, and suggestibility. Narcissistic personality disorder manifests itself in individuals whobehave with a lack of ability to empathize with others and a greater sense of personal importance. Cluster C includes avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders in the sense of being anxious or fearful, which is the cluster that best fits Piglet. Avoidant personality disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by a lifelong pattern of extreme social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and sensitivity to rejection. Dependent personality disorder is a psychiatric disorder identified as excessive reliance on others to meet one's emotional and physical needs. Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that negatively affects sufferers with unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, images and sensations or obsessions leading them to behave or commit certain behaviors. mental acts in response to thoughts. and obsessions. The type of anxiety personality disorder that best matches Piglet in Group C should be dependent personality disorder. Beyond its definition, dependent personality disorder is characterized by modes of perception, relating and thinking about one's environment and oneself, which manifest in a multitude of social and personal aspects of life. When these traits are inflexible, maladaptive, and cause noticeable impairment in functionality or subjective distress, they are considered to have this personality disorder. Also when a person's behavior deviates from normal in terms of cognition, emotional expression, interpersonal functions, or impulse control. People, or in this case characters, with Dependent Personality Disorder lack confidence in their abilities and tend to follow the ideas of others because they feel they are better than themselves. Loss of loved ones or separation from others could bring enormous devastation to them and they would even suffer themselves to the point of suffering to stay in a relationship. They tend to view themselves in an inferior light and make their abilities appear less than they are. Symptoms may include: Difficulty making decisions without reassurance from others Extreme passivity Problems expressing disagreements with others Avoiding personal responsibility Avoiding being alone Devastation or helplessness when relationships end Incapacity to meet the ordinary demands of life Preoccupied with fear of abandonment Easily hurt by criticism or disapproval Willing to tolerate mistreatment and abuse from others. The causes are unknown, but it usually appears in early adulthood and those who are more at risk tend to have been extremely ill or suffered from separation anxiety as children and it is more common in women than in men. Eeyore Have you ever heard the sound of a donkey in England? According to AA Milne, this sound is “Eeyore”. The personality disorder associated with Eeyore the Donkey from the story of Winnie the Pooh is that of depressive personality disorder or depression, and the two are often confused with each other's expressions as they are not the same thing. The main difference between them is that a person with a depressive personality may suffer from depression, but a person with depression is not necessarily a depressive personality. Depressive personality is not classified as a personality disorder, but it may be considered to belong to the category of "personality disorders not otherwise specified", whichmeans that there is not enough research to classify depressive personalities as a named personality disorder, but there is evidence of its existence. Depressive personality is characterized by the evidence of personality traits that can decrease a person's sense of well-being. The technical definition being the traits of: Depression, Anxiety, Anhedonia – absence of pleasure or ability to experience it. Depressiveness is described by the Pallipedia as “a feeling of being intensely sad, miserable and/or hopeless. Some patients describe an absence of feelings and/or dysphoria; difficulty recovering from such moods; pessimism about the future; pervasive shame and/or guilt; feelings of self-worth; and suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviors.” Anxiety is described by as being full of mental distress or unease due to fear of danger or misfortune; very worried; worried. Sincerely eager; eager. Or attended with or showing concern or concern. Anhedonia is described by as the loss of the ability to experience pleasure. The inability to derive pleasure from normally pleasant experiences. Anhedonia is a core clinical feature of depression, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses. Depressive personality physically looks more like the following, as a person with DP would: Feeling depressed, gloomy, and worthless most of the time and is not the result of situational depression or chemical depression . Being too self-critical and derogatory without valid justification for one's attitude or comments. Is negativistic, judgmental and critical of others Has a pessimistic view Feels guilty or remorseful most of the time without a reason to explain the feelings. Rabbit The personality disorder most associated with the rabbit is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Rabbit is described as a character who loves to lead and can always present a clever idea. He likes to know things from the start, for example consulting Christopher Robin to get Winnie out of a bind or the expedition to the North Pole. His desire to control the situation is an insight into his OCD. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is a mental condition in which the person is preoccupied with rules, order, and control. It tends to run in families, suggesting it may involve genes (medline plus). It is a preoccupation with perfectionism, mental and interpersonal control, all at the expense of flexibility, openness and efficiency. It is not an occasional case or circumstance, to be considered suffering from this personality disorder, this desire for control of the situation is reflected in the daily actions of this person and will manifest itself in almost all its situations. OCD or OCD would apply if an apparent pattern persists and is consistent across a range of personal and social situations. People with this personality disorder generally feel more comfortable in situations where control is high and may not express comfort in situations with others who openly express their emotions. The symptoms of an individual with OCD express at least four of the following: This individual: Is preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the point that most of the activity is lost. Demonstrates perfectionism. who interferes with the completion of a task (for example, is unable to complete a project because their own overly high standards are not met) Is excessively dedicated ».