
  • Essay / Home Remedies for Abrasion - 853

    Home Remedies for AbrasionAbrasion is an injury that occurs on the upper layer of the skin called the epidermis. This external scratch is a minor condition that can lead to bleeding. The scar and sign heal in a short time. However, if the injury is due to rough surfaces, the skin may appear red or pink. There may be a burning sensation without any bleeding. This may be mainly because the second layer of the broken skin is exposed to injury. Common victims of abrasion are children and toddlers who often have scraped knees and bruised arms. Athletes are other victims of abrasion.Causes of AbrasionCommon causes of abrasion are• Accidents• Sports injuries• Falls from height• Trauma• Pressure sores• Some diseases have abrasion as symptomsSymptoms of abrasion • Shallow sores that appear reddish when the skin is scratched. • Warm, burning sensation wherever the sore occurred • The abrasion oozes a fluid to the surface of the wound that is sometimes blood. • there is an allergic reaction, the person may feel a slight fever.• For a superficial abrasion there may be no bleeding but a scratch on the skin.• The abrasion can sometimes cause itching. Abrasions are also known as "cabinet friction" because they are caused by the sliding action in a cabinet. Normal cuts and scrapes can be treated at home and do not require much medical attention. Some of the well-known remedies are mentioned below: Home remedies for abrasion using aloe, lavender and garlic oil. • Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial and helps heal and soothe wounds. Use Aloe Vera gel for external application.• Lavender oil is also beneficial ...... middle of paper ...... l and cod liver oil which is effective for all kinds of wounds and abrasion.Home remedies for abrasion using petroleum jelly and hydrogen peroxide • After washing the wound with soap and antiseptic liquid, coat the abrasion with a solid layer of petroleum jelly and it also helps dry skin. • Hydrogen peroxide can be used to effectively clean the wound. This helps in faster healing of the abrasion. Home remedies for abrasion using vinegar, white horehound • In case of a deeper wound, it is important to dress the wound properly. This can be done using ointments and this homemade ointment can be prepared using white horehound and lard. • Injured skin can be washed with vinegar. It cleans wounds and prevents the growth of microbes. Apart from all these remedies, avoiding things like avoiding drinking alcohol and smoking will help speed up healing..