
  • Essay / China and China Case Study - 1243

    China is a large and vast country that compares to the size of its enormous population and has had an influence on other countries in the world and continues to do so through business and commerce. China is also considered the largest trading partner of the United States, both in terms of imports and exports. Business between the United States and China has only increased since the 1990s, when the United States recognized China as a "most favored nation" due to close trade ties. The question regarding the US-China trade relationship is: "How well is this partnership doing and has it become more of a give-and-take relationship?" » due to the decline of the American economy and the growth of the Chinese economy in recent years. To begin with, China has always emphasized work since Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. In the late 1950s, Chairman Mao ruled China under the Communist Party and led the country to rely on agriculture. As a result, labor was intensive and would make up a large part of the country's society and economy. Due to China's large population, labor was not much of an issue and this trend continues today in China's more developed and modernized economy. In fact, it is Chinese labor that provides a large portion of the goods sold and used in the United States alone, leading to a whopping $1.3 trillion in debt to China in 2013 Every American consumer is more than aware that just about every product they buy has a “Made in China” label, either printed on it or indicated by a sticker. However, even though many Americans purchase these "made in China" products, they don't always realize how much more they contribute to the debt currently owed to China. In addition to the huge profits generated..... .middle of paper for long hours with little pay. This could be a motivating factor that causes some Americans to abandon products made in China and switch to products made in the United States, or even boycott "made in China" products entirely. In conclusion, although the national debt is a major concern for the United States and how it will affect our country in the future, there are certainly solutions that Americans can adopt to end China's contributions to its takeover. our money. Currently, although the United States and China are close trading partners, the trade relationship appears to be more of a give-and-take relationship, with all the benefits for the Chinese economy. While trying to pay off China's $1.3 trillion debt may seem impossible, there are certainly ways Americans can support their economy and prevent our money from falling directly into China's hands..