
  • Essay / Examples of Greed in the Music Industry - 989

    The music industry is undoubtedly greedy, as evidenced by the long list of lawsuits between record labels and their artists. Michael Jackson, Dr. Dre, Prince, N'Sync, Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd and LL Cool J are all artists who have sued their labels for their greed, but arguably the artist who sues their labels for money is greedy. himself. Whether it is the label suing the artist or the artist suing the label, both are greedy, because in either case, neither can claim authenticity in its " pure » passion for music. Because launching a lawsuit puts commerce at the forefront of both sides' public images, showing them unapologetically fighting over money. How much does someone take greed before morally deciding they've had enough? It has been said that "greed has been widely and unambiguously identified by many experts as one of the main culprits behind the catastrophic financial crisis of 2008" (Slatter 481), demonstrating that human greed can reach such a level that “senior financial executives…have multiplied their salaries. and bonuses… while employees of the same companies lose their jobs and, in some cases, all their retirement savings. (Slatter 481). If a crisis that affected the entire world was inconsistently caused by greed, then nothing will stop people's need for greed in a $15 billion record.