
  • Essay / Organ donation - 1868

    Subject: Should donors or their families be compensated for organ donation? How should people be selected to receive organ donors?Major points: Myths about organ donation, selection of recipients, legislation and policy, current trend, Let's pay organ donors.Thesis: While I was driving on the highway recently, I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Please don't take your organs to heaven, God knows we need them here." ยป About 7,000 Americans die each year while waiting for an organ transplant. In other countries around the world, thousands more whose lives could have been extended or transformed through transplants have lost their lives due to lack of organs. The waiting list continues to grow and the list of those willing to donate seems to be dwindling. This can be attributed to the lack of motivation and knowledge among potential donors. According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO) on kidney transplantation, only one in ten people who need a new kidney manage to get one. The gap between supply and demand for organs has created a black market for body parts, leading to attacks on human life, especially in third world countries. This high demand has led people to travel the world to procure the organs they or their loved ones need, and unscrupulous middlemen are offering to help. Compensating those willing to donate is necessary if this significant gap is to be closed. Body Point 1: Myths about organ donation The...... middle of paper ...... would be the opposite; put it in the hands of the black marker dealers, in the same way that banning drugs didn't make them disappear, but instead put all the power in the hands of the drug cartels, and we all know how well it went. By legalizing organ sales, we can ensure that the transaction is voluntary, hygienic and safe. Such promises cannot be made if we continue this illegal practice. I have always wondered why we are allowed to receive compensation for donating our hair, blood, sperm and eggs. Why should kidneys, bone marrow or other organs fall into a special class that prohibits commercial exchange when they are also body parts? Banning compensation for these organs is a certain death sentence for thousands of Americans who desperately need these organs and a waste of money for the government in paying for the upkeep of these patients while they endure a long waiting..