
  • Essay / BP Oil Spill Crisis - 970

    BP Oil Spill CrisisThe Deepwater Horizon was a semi-submersible, ultra-deepwater, dynamically positioned offshore drilling platform built nine years ago in South Korea. In 2008, British Petroleum (BP) leased it to Transocean to drill for oil on the Gulf Coast. In September 2009, the rig drilled the deepest oil well in history, to a depth of 35,055 feet. On April 20, 2010, while drilling, the rig exploded at 9:45 p.m. (CST), killing eleven workers and injuring seventeen others. This was caused when methane from the well gushed up and out of the drill string, spilled onto the rig, then ignited and exploded. The explosion then led to the platform burning, the resulting fire could not be extinguished. Two days later, the platform sank, causing the well to burst, causing the largest oil spill in history (as shown in attached Figure A). According to some estimates, in late May or early June 2010, it would be the largest oil spill in history. The Flow Rate Technical Group estimated the flow of crude oil barrels per day between 35,000 and 60,000. Oil now covers at least 2,500 square miles in the Gulf of Mexico, with releases estimated at 73 million to 126 million gallons . Oil remains the world's largest commercial activity. Every aspect of our lives depends on the refining of crude oil to produce energy, plastics, chemicals and medicines. Due to the large oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, this phenomenon has become one of the most dangerous concerns in the world. The consequences of the BP oil spill are numerous: wildlife, the fishing and shrimping industry, tourism and health effects. I will explain why I strongly disagree with the main source of energy being oil. The Gulf of Mexico is home to some of the world's most spectacular wildlife, including manatees, bottlenose dolphins and whooping cranes, just..... ... middle of paper ... resilience on the US Gulf Coast after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.” Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, July 2010: 297-315. Print.Consolidated Fish and Wildlife Collection ReportNational Wildlife Federation, July 26, 2010 Web. July 30, 2010. Guillot, Craig. “Photos of the oil spill in the Gulf: ten animals in danger. » National Geographic Society. National Geographic Society, May 6, 2010. Web. July 30, 2010. Damon, André. BP oil spill will devastate Gulf fishing industry. World Socialist Website, May 8, 2010. Web. July 30, 2010 Bates, Daniel. “BP’s first suicide? Obama is “responsible” for the death of a man ruined by an oil leak. »Daily Mail. Daily Mail, June 25, 2010. Web. July 30, 2010. Fahrenthold, David. “The oil spill threatens the Gulf region's ecosystem and fishing, tourism and shipping industries. » Washington Post. Washington Post, May 2, 2010. the web. June 30 2010.