
  • Essay / Discussion on how to find the job you love

    Do what you love and you will never work again in your life. Yes, we've all heard this sentiment many times and we repeat it to recent graduates as if it's the only career advice they'll ever need. We print it on motivational posters, bumper stickers and encouragement cards. We include it in the opening addresses. But is this valuable advice even remotely true? Will finding a career you're incredibly passionate about make your entire life feel like one big tropical vacation? No, it's not like all your dreams will come true. In fact, it will increase interest in this particular job. That's right, just because you sometimes feel stressed, overwhelmed, or even a little tired doesn't mean you're not in the right field of work. Here are four facts that debunk this infamous (and misleading) proverb. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay I love what I do and I'm lucky to be able to make a living from it. But that doesn't mean I'm not aware of the fact that I'd usually rather have cocktails with friends than try to meet a deadline. Yes, work and play are two very different things. Work requires effort and effort to pay the bills and put food on the table, while play is all about fun and enjoyment. If you're lucky, you'll be able to incorporate some of this joy and passion into your daily routine. But that certainly doesn't mean your entire career will be a walk in the park. Adding that pressure and the expectation of a paycheck is exactly what separates your job from everything else. Unlike pleasure, work isn't always something you want to do, it's something you have to do. And chances are, when what you love becomes your job, you won't love it as much. Maybe you're an exceptional violinist or video gamer. It's great! However, we all recognize that these are quite exclusive and specialized career fields, even if you are incredibly talented. So while you may have crossed "identify what you love" off your to-do list, you probably also know that love doesn't pay the bills. There are many people who absolutely love their career. But that shouldn't make it seem like everything is perfect. Maybe you hate monitoring incoming invoices. Maybe you hate the quarterly board meeting. Or maybe you just can't bear to fill out your monthly expense report. Either way, there's undoubtedly some aspect of your daily life that makes you say, "Ugh." Loving your work is a wonderful thing. Not only do you bring home the bacon, but you also get the added reward of feeling fulfilled, accomplished, and satisfied every time you step out of your office. But you probably don't feel that way because you've spent the whole day slacking off. It’s true, loving your livelihood takes hard work. It's human nature to appreciate the things we're good at. And to be good at your job, you have to put in a little elbow grease. Often, it's not just the work we love. It is the reward and satisfaction we get after doing things well. And we all know that doing things well requires putting in effort and staying in the office late into the night. It's a never-ending cycle. Keep.