
  • Essay / The differences between attending college and my...

    In my academic experience, I found that attending college and what my expectations of college were had more differences what similarities. I have to say that so far, attending college has exceeded my expectations and honestly, I'm very happy about it. To start with the differences I encountered, my first expectation in college was that I thought my classes would be more difficult than anything I had ever learned in high school. The reality was, in my experience, that it was exactly the opposite. For example, in my math class this semester, my professor's teaching methods are much easier to understand and I no longer have trouble understanding the concepts I used to learn in high school. In the years leading up to college, I was always told that the classes I would take in college would be more difficult and so I always had that expectation. Another difference in my expectations and experience was the independence of university life. It all depends entirely on the students and although there is plenty of help available for them, it is up to them to decide....