
  • Essay / Beliefs in karma, reincarnation, samsara and enlightenment

    Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism all hold the ideas of karma, samsara, reincarnation, and enlightenment. Karma can be seen as a cliché expression: what goes around comes around. Samsara is the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, also called reincarnation. Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of life in all these philosophies; Nirvana is what practitioners of these religions attempt to achieve. Hinduism, one of the world's oldest religions, is a religion of polytheistic gods, with Brahma being the high god and creator of reality. Buddhism is linked to Hinduism as Judaism is linked to Christianity; although there are significant differences, some factors are similar in both religions. An interesting belief in Hinduism is that Vishnu, a personal god and protector of this realm, reincarnates multiple times to help the reality we find ourselves in when it is in a state of turmoil; it is claimed that the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was yet another reincarnation of Vishnu. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay A significant difference between Buddhism and Hinduism is that Buddhists do not worship a whole set of gods; instead, they make offerings to various Buddhas, but do not truly worship them the way practitioners of Hinduism worship their gods. One thing that is beautifully similar in both philosophies is that the gods of Hinduism and the Buddhas of Buddhism both exist in this reality and in a reality that we do not know. For example, in Hinduism, Vishnu reincarnates several times in different avatars, existing for the moment in our reality, and when he does not reincarnate, Vishnu no longer exists in this reality. However, the idea and belief of Vishnu never disappears, so he is always present, albeit in a different reality. Similarly, in Buddhism, some Buddhas lived like the founder Buddha, which consisted of normal human life within this reality, while other Buddhas lived in other realities. More than a religion, Buddhism is a philosophy that allows a person to learn about themselves by opening a path through the conquest of the realization of human suffering, the ego, the desires and desires that she has. This difficult path leads to Nirvana if accomplished, and the Eightfold Noble Path of the Buddha as well as the Four Noble Truths are guidelines for living such a life, and the four truths of the reality we find ourselves in, respectively . Similar to Buddhism, in Taoism, simplicity was considered the ultimate secret to truth and freedom. As mentioned above, Buddhism included factors for one to overcome their ego, desires, fears, and desires. Although there is no uniform system of meditation for Buddhists, the Four Noble Truths suggest abandoning the causes of suffering, such as unnecessary materialistic wants and needs. The simplistic lifestyle promoted by Taoism has also encouraged practitioners of Taoism to aim to become one with nature and to use the power found within oneself and in nature for good and love in the world. It’s wonderful how all of these philosophies primarily emphasize positivity. Although these philosophies focus on conquering some of the more difficult aspects of life, such as shedding one's wants and desires and being egoless, it is ultimately about not..