
  • Essay / F451 Essay - 931

    Throughout the story, the author uses a variety of symbolism in The Great Gatsby to help develop the theme of immorality in the story. Several colors are used to symbolize aspects of the immorality of the wealthy population during the time of The Great Gatsby. These symbols are particularly present in the character of Jay Gatsby throughout the story. The color green, representing needs and desires, is found several times in the story. Another color that helps develop the theme is white; this color represents a false purity in a person or thing. Finally, corruption is usually an important aspect of immorality, especially in wealthy circles, and in severe circumstances it can even lead to death. This segment of immorality is represented in the story using the color yellow. These symbols help develop the characteristics found in Jay Gatsby and also help support the theme of immorality as the book progresses. An essential symbol used throughout history is the color green. Many times in the story, the color green is used to describe Gatsby's desires, even though they may be unattainable. The most obvious use of this symbol is the green light found at the end of Daisy's dock. At several points in the story, Gatsby looks at the light at the end of Daisy's dock. It is obvious that light has a very important meaning for him. This represents his extreme desire to convince Daisy and his willingness to do anything to achieve it. This devotion to convincing Daisy will fuel the decadence during The Great Gatsby. In chapter 5 it says: “Perhaps it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of this light had now disappeared forever. » After winning over Daisy, Gatsby realized that his desire to be with her was becoming a reality by the middle of the paper... which really helped depict the theme of immorality at the end of the book. In the end, The Great Gatsby used symbolism, an interesting story, and rounded characters to help convey the message of immorality (which comes with wealth and power) to its readers. This proves that the story is in fact literature and has remained popular throughout time. It also shows a lot about what the author thought about human nature. As an individual gains more power and wealth, history shows them to become more corrupt and less concerned with morality. Tom and Gatsby in particular became enamored with their economic circumstances, while people like George Wilson, who are not financially successful, seem rather innocent. This gives the reader a lesson in keeping everything in perspective, regardless of one's political situation. In conclusion, the book did a great job of showing immorality.