
  • Essay / Analysis of Roosevelt's Statement - 814

    Throughout our lives, it is safe to assume that at some point we are faced with circumstances in which we feel helpless as to how the situation unfolds. Sometimes these conditions can undoubtedly prevent an individual from attempting to take action to remedy their shortcomings. And instead of trying to change the way we think and approach our situation, we usually tend to avoid our problems through various means of conformity. Roosevelt's statement is very powerful for several reasons. It represents the approach taken by Roosevelt to remedy the economic situation of the United States during his presidency, encouraging the people to become involved in reforming the country and serving a universal purpose that everyone, including myself, can be used to contribute to the benefit of quality. of our lives. As Roosevelt used this idea to help return the United States to a state of prosperity, I intend to do the same for myself and others. Considering the circumstances the United States faced during Roosevelt's presidency, this quote accurately describes the ideas he was trying to instill in the public. At that time, the United States was facing a drastic economic crisis. With millions of people out of work and appalling living conditions facing many, public morale quickly deteriorated. President Roosevelt did everything in his power to ensure that the people's morale and hope remained high. I believe he was trying to help everyone understand that instead of sitting passively and waiting for things to get better, they should try to actively ensure that things change the way they want them to. He was just trying to help people see that they had... middle of paper... at their fingertips. People need to truly know that they have the potential to see the world the way they want. A change in perception is crucial to making this idea a reality, and this is one of the reasons why I intend to study the different concepts of perception in depth. Whichever way one decides to look at Roosevelt's statement, it all comes back to the universal. the theme of making life what you want and how you want. While Roosevelt used his position to incorporate these ideas and helped promote change, I intend to do the same for myself and others through my work in psychology. Simply put, life is too short to have to convert someone you really aren't. The least we can do is enjoy who we are and try to change the world however we see fit. Everyone's opinion counts, because it is the individual who makes up our society.