
  • Essay / Classical Roman art vs. Early Christian Art - 871

    Classical Roman Art and Early Christian ArtThere are many similarities and differences between Classical Roman art and Early Christian art. What particularly strikes me is how much these two cultures have in common when it comes to art and architecture. The Romans were engineering geniuses and we can see it in the monuments they left behind. Many early Christian architectural styles and ideas were adopted directly from the Romans. Their communities were organized geographically like those of Roman provincial governments. Christian cultural styles derived directly from Roman visual traditions. Early Christian art features the adoption of Roman art forms for Christian purposes. Their art also included the recycling of images and sculptures for use as early representations of Christ. Roman art was also deeply influenced by the art of the Hellenistic world, which had spread to southern Italy and Sicily through Greek colonies. The Etruscans and Babylonians can also be considered inspirations. “With the founding of the Republic, the term Roman art was practically synonymous with the art of the city of Rome, which still bore the stamp of its Etruscan art” (Honor and Fleming, 1999). Over the last two centuries, particularly that of Greece, Roman art has freed itself from its dependence on Etruscan art. During the last two centuries BC, a distinct Roman way of building, carving and painting emerged. Indeed, due to the extraordinary geographical extent of the Roman Empire and the number of diverse populations encompassed within its borders, "the art and architecture of the Romans have always been eclectic and are characterized by varied styles attributable to different regional tastes and to... ... middle of paper ...... as the early Christians had much in common, but we certainly know the impressions of classical Roman features in early Christian art. Indeed, we can see how Roman art and Greek art influenced naturalism on the sculptures of early Christian art. We also see similar compositions and influences on tombs and churches, the ideal design and styles were directly adopted from the style of Roman art. Works cited; Honor, Hugh and John Fleming. “Hellenistic and Roman Art”. A global history of art. London: Laurence King, 1999. 179-213. Print.Kleiner, The Art of Fred S. Gardner Through the Ages.13th. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2010. Print. Photo of Augustus; Pontifex Maximus By Christy S. Rouse. (March 2011) "National Roman Museum - Palazzo Massimo Alle Terme." Soprintendenza Speciale per I Beni Archeologici Di Roma. Np, and Web. March 5. 2014.