
  • Essay / Understanding myself: exploring the different layers of my personality

    Personality is defined as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form the distinctive character of an individual”. My personality would be described by others as introverted, reserved, disorganized and helpful. My personality is shaped by my experiences, the rewards and punishments I have received. There are four main aspects of personality: trait, psychoanalytic, humanistic, and social cognitive. The trait and psychoanalytic views on personality best describe my personality and what makes me me which is discussed in this essay, Say No to Plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay The personality trait perspective focuses on the expression of biologically influenced dispositions, stable and enduring traits that underlie our actions. These traits can be organized into 5 basic personality factors. These factors are emotional stability, extroversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Carl Jung was one of the first psychologists to discuss the concept of personality traits. Jung was a college of the legendary psychologist Sigmund Freud. According to Carl Jung, each person has a dominant life attitude and a primary function that characterizes them as a certain personality type. Throughout the personality unit, all the tests I took gave me similar answers. The answers are shy, inward-looking, more realistic with who I am. I also discovered that my personality type is ISTJ. An ISTJ is described as someone who focuses inwardly and uses the 5 senses in a literal and concrete way. The positive traits of being an ISTJ are that they are known to be reliable, believe in laws and traditions, and extremely loyal. One time I felt I was shy was the first day of high school. I remember one of my friends took me to school. We walked in together and I only recognized about 3 people from my first class and I wasn't seated next to any of them. Throughout the first block, I remember that just the thought of talking to people (even just saying my name) made me anxious. All day and in every neighborhood, talking to new people was not a fun experience because I was very nervous. This shows that I have a shy personality. I also found that I am more realistic. I find this to be true because I tend to look at things not as a glass half full but rather as a glass of water. A concrete example of this is when I look at art or literature. I fail to see the underlying messages the author is trying to convey beneath the surface. I just see what is shown to me and what I read or see. This helps me, I think, because it helps me stay focused on the important things and not read between the lines. One time I found the Kiersey Temperament Sorter, who gave me the ISTJ, was when he described me as following the rules. When I was young, I was a bit of a crazy child. I used to drive my father crazy with my attitude and temper. He punished me by yelling at me, sending me to my room and taking away my iPod. As a child, I learned that my behavior determined whether I would be punished. Punishments caused me to follow the rules of my parents, my teachers, and the law. The psychoanalytic perspective of behavior was created by Sigmund Freud and Karen Horney. They believed that personality was based on unconscious impulses and needs. Freud also believed that there were three components of the mind. The id, the superego and the ego..