
  • Essay / Donald Trump's wall

    Trump fears the nation will be overpopulated, which is one of the reasons he built the border wall: “Donald Trump's wall is about dividing Americans – playing on racial fears and anxiety that he drummed and amplified to rally his base. Trump’s wall is a political campaign promise he must keep to satisfy his base.” (Gallégo). In this article, he explains that the main purpose of the border wall is to keep the United States isolated from South America; especially for the Mexican because Mexico is a southern border of the United States and because of Mexico's poverty. Many Mexicans wish to flee their country through legal or illegal means, but most choose to do so illegally. Then, this situation makes Trump afraid of the overpopulation of his country, and he does not want these refugees to take over American jobs. “As a presidential candidate, he began his campaign by attacking Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists and continued the show by attacking a Mexican-American federal judge in a manner that President Paul Ryan described as “the classic definition of a racist comment.” .'”(Gallego).By the time he became President of the United States; he hasn't stopped blaming the Mexicans, but he continues to accuse them of being troublemakers in many ways he could think of: violating the laws, guilty, insulting others, etc. These reasons are This even made the Mexican even angrier because everyone who didn't do this and it's not unfair that they are blamed. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay The effect of the wall is significant, as the estimated length of the wall is approximately 1,000 miles; During and after construction, many effects will occur on nature. “The U.S.-Mexico border region is a delicate ecosystem with regular migrations of animals and birds moving between the north and south of the American continent. » (BBC). According to this statement, between the border area of ​​America and Mexico there is an environment of precise regularity for many animal species. They still use this route to travel back and forth across the northern and southern part of the continent, and not only do some species also live around these areas. “A number of species must cross the border to mate with their genetically different cousins, including the North American jaguar and the endangered black bear, which would be threatened if they could not mate with Mexican bears. » “The wall should also take into account natural flooding areas as well as large areas of sand, where the ground is actually moving. » (BBC). To go into more detail, many hard-to-find animal species, such as the North American jaguar and black bear, will surely be at high risk of extinction. Because these animals naturally have to cross the border zone to meet Mexican bears, so they can hybridize with others to maintain their species. But once the border wall is finished, you could say it's impossible for them to get past this big obstacle. Not only for animals, the border wall will affect the regularly flooded area; Additionally, it will take effect on a large scale of sand-filled terrain. The problem is not the sand but the large area where landslides and earthquakes occur. Do not interfere with nature; otherwise, it will cause us even more damage. This will harm the United States economy..