
  • Essay / Ida B. Wells - 370

    Ida B. WellsIda B. Wells was dedicated to journalism and letting people know what was going on. Using her journalistic investigative instincts, she uses to identify excuses used by whites to identify a lynching campaign against blacks. In the following essay, I will explain the reasons for this vicious and sustained campaign of violence against African Americans. Ida B. Wells believed that white people should be considered rapists more than black people. One excuse whites used to justify lynching campaigns was that blacks raped their wives or wives, which in some cases was not true. For example, on page 54 it is explained that on January 16, 1982, a white woman of the highest respectability accused an African American man of raping her. So, with Mrs. Underwood's testimony, they placed the man in the penitentiary, not knowing that in a few years she would confess her innocence. There were many situations where people lynched the innocent or not to assert that white people were the more dominant races. Another example, on page 101, "The entire judicial system of this country is in the hands of white people. Add to this the fact of inherent prejudice against people of color, and it will be clearly seen that a white jury is certain to find a black prisoner guilty if there is any evidence to support such a conclusion Meredith Lewis was arrested, but not found guilty of a charge The mob must have followed. Meredith Lewis, to kidnap him and hang him by the neck for a murder she wasn't convicted of I feel like white people felt like black people were getting closer to being like. With this in mind, white people felt they had to show black people that they were still running things. For example, on page 107 it clearly states: “There are friends of humanity who feel. that their soul recoils from any compromise with murder, but whose deep and abiding respect for femininity makes them hesitate to lend their support to this crusade against the Lynch law. , lest they encourage disbelievers whose deeds are worse than murder. He goes on to explain that black people were lynched because white people had the power to kill and get away with it and they would rather kill than take the matter to court...