
  • Essay / The Current Macroeconomic Situation - 1947

    THE CURRENT MACROECONOMIC SITUATIONIt seems obvious that the current macroeconomic situation in the United States is a bit difficult in many respects. The situation with employment, inflation, monetary and tax policy has been detrimental to American citizens who have endured a shaky economy for many years. When there is an expansion of monetary activity, then the wealth will be felt by a greater number of fiscal entities, in addition to industries, businesses, workers, capital owners as well as others. When there is a decline in fiscal activity, the business segment faces a decrease in production and other sectors of the financial system face a decrease in consumption. So, due to reduced production, companies are laying off some employees or condensing their hours in addition to their salaries. These pessimistic trends have an effect on the decline in the standard of living as well as on the excellence of life of the inhabitants and increase the rate of deficiency, which positively represents the most complex difficulty for each nation. Therefore, economists attempt to determine the causes of these phenomena (stages) of business cycles and provide suggestions on what could be done through appropriate economic policies to alleviate these depressing phenomena of depression. The recession should not be seen as a dead end incident, but as a very serious indicator that highlights that the financial system is unhealthy and we need to take dynamic measures for its faster recovery. Some basic theories of macroeconomicsKeynesian theories address the role that customer self-confidence plays during recessions. When consumers begin to feel pessimistic about the medium of paper, at all levels, as well as the effect of the recession on the US economy as well as real macroeconomic variables. Works cited - US Bureau of Economic Analysis• Blanchard, O. Zobeiri, H 2009.: Continued improvement in the global economy, Ettelaat économique et politique, 265-266, 2009. • Cauchon, Dennis: Why Home Values ​​May Take Decades to Recover, USA Today, 2009.• Even, S. and Feldman, N 2009.:"Implications of the Global Economic Crisis".2009.• Funa, L. : "The relevance of Keynesian economics in times of economic crisis" thesis, University of Lyublgana. 2009.• Ghadiri Asli, B 1990.: History of economic thought, edition of the University of Tehran, 1990• A., B. Abel and B.,S. Bernanke: Macroeconomics, 4th ed., Addison-Wesley. • Begg, D., Fisher, S. and Dornbusch, R., (2000): Economics, sixth edition, McGraw-Hill.