
  • Essay / Reflections on becoming a nursing student - 837

    Nursing is one of the most difficult fields because it generates a lot of stress for the staff in this field. This is why becoming a nursing student is too demanding and stressful for students. Students have to give a lot to become a good nurse. While future nurses do their best in school, they begin to face a lot of stress because this field requires a lot of time to prepare for the course and their studies. As a nursing student, the stress level begins to increase since we know we are in the program. This is why we need to start managing stress in different ways. This can be by setting priorities, asking for help, exercising, focusing on the present moment, changing your perception and among others that are important to succeed in becoming a nurse (book) . After we graduate, and we are an official nurse, there are risks that make nurses constantly stressed. Indeed, the nurse is constantly in danger of infections during her work, among other problems that stress her to the maximum (book). Controlling stress levels while we are students can be an easy or difficult job. One way to start controlling our stress is to identify the things that cause us headaches, for example. For example, we need to set priorities for the entire program so that we know what we need to do, when it is due, what is most important, why we need to do it, and of course we can use a adapted planner. will be a big help. During nursing programs, we need to “keep it simple” like the book (book) says. Indeed, we must pay attention to our school and not let ourselves be distracted by family, friends or the people around us (book). So keeping it simple is simplest...... middle of paper...... dangerous for my health. Afterwards, I read this chapter which helped me understand and make decisions that can be useful for my future. It also helps me determine if I'm an owl or a lark. I never understood why I study better at night than during the day, but now I do. Additionally, by doing this assignment, it helps me find areas where I have difficulty or stress me out. Now I know my stress areas are work, home and school, but with the tip I mentioned before, I can fix everything without much stress. Thanks for the advice and suggestion from the author of the book to be able to practice everything. that and being more organized and having a successful career with good stress controlWorks CitedDeWit, SC (2014). Dealing with stress. In Saunders Student Nurse Planner 2013-2014: A guide to succeeding in nursing school (pp. 61-75). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier/Saunders.