
  • Essay / Family and Multigenerational Factors in Development...

    As drastic changes have occurred in family structure and socio-cultural aspects, the modified family life cycle has taken a broader view to include all factors possible contexts during development. The purpose of the family life cycle is to study the impact of family development over time. The scholar also noticed that the family across generations was like a system that carried the same stories and certain patterns in emotional and relational aspects. Nature and patterns transmitted from generation to generation through stereotypes, values, beliefs, taboos, expectations and problems. Researchers add a dimension of multigenerational influence to the family context in the form of vertical stressors (McGoldrick, 2011). The emotional subsystem of the family system plays a role in the emotional development of parents and children. Multigenerational emotional transmission has become a psychological inheritance. They were so unaware that it was like an invisible risk factor in the system. Adolescents and their parents may be burdened with the baggage of a multigenerational emotional pattern without knowing it exists. When parents came from underfunctioning or dysfunctional families, they had unresolved emotional issues. Parents were not likely to have a role model of parenting from their family of origin. The parents were not able to fulfill their duty of parental functioning. The multigenerational emotional pattern simply disrupts parenting and family roles.