
  • Essay / People's attitudes towards the fast food industry

    This article analysis makes a comparison between what the general public considers to be the pros and cons of the fast food industry fast. The purpose of this analysis is to gain a deeper understanding of people's mindset based on how they make the decision whether or not to choose a healthy meal or reach for fast food. Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay The fast food industry is a steadily growing industry that shows that more and more people are prioritizing savings and convenience rather than making a healthier choice. many negative reviews on the topic of fast food. The biggest being health concerns and the less healthy choice in general. The fast food industry has other drawbacks, including levels of animal cruelty, worker exploitation, and other issues. With the rise of the fast food industry comes an increase in cholesterol levels and blood pressure, making the topic of fast food very stressful. Another major issue against fast food is that people do not know what they are eating and people find foreign products there. their meals. KFC, among other fast food outlets, discovered it possessed a brain and found rat meat and nail clippings in its meals. This brings an element of absolute disgust to the fast food game. It's not the first time and it certainly won't be the last. We can only hope that it is not us who are the victims. On the other hand, one cannot do a good analysis without looking at the benefits of the subject. The fast food industry is growing for a reason. This obviously brings positive aspects. One of the biggest being the incredible taste associated with fast food. Of course, that's not the only attraction. The extreme convenience that comes from having countless options and thousands of locations, the fast time – hence the name “fast food” – and so many other benefits that make the choice tastier. The unhealthy connotation associated with fast food can also now disappear. with most fast food places offering healthier options on their menus. Not only are there healthier options, but there is also a huge variety of choices to make. In some sense, this makes fast food the better option. The articles will be analyzed in more detail to demonstrate these results. Articles 1 and 2 examine the negative effects of fast food by examining how people and animals are affected. Animals are deeply affected due to the large quantities of plastic produced for packaging as well as animal testing and other activities carried out that lead to cruel treatment of animals. Workers are exploited and customers' health is at risk. One can only wonder if it is really worth it if it only leads to cruel treatment of humans and animals. Article 1 also refers to how people lose their identity by no longer favoring their cultural dishes. Article 2 has a different approach but addresses the same issues. People have been forced to eat things they don't know they're eating, which the article says includes a brain. Other cases involving the discovery of rat parts in KFC, worms in meals at other outlets and even dead flies and..