
  • Essay / British Identity - 979

    The debate over British identity has been highlighted in recent years as a public concern. The foundation of British identity lies in the 1801 Act of Union between England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland which gave birth to Great Britain. Heath and Roberts describe this identity as “a relatively recent construct that has gradually become superimposed on earlier English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish national identities” (2008: 4). The four nations were unified primarily due to the political and economic project of the British Empire which developed a common agenda and the Second World War which melted the distinctive differences between the constituent nations (Ward, 2004). According to Colley, the interests that unified nations do not exist and even if they do “they are less distinctive” (1992). Although there is an identification with Britishness, it is notable that the British have a greater allegiance to their primary nation. British identity is in decline, as many authors suggest, and this is due to many different trends and influences such as globalization, immigration and communication (Heath and Roberts, 2008). This essay highlights some of the reasons for the decline of British national identity and the rise of the sense of a willing nation. This is addressed by considering on the one hand the internal factors of the devolution of power to Scotland and Wales, and on the other hand the external factor of immigration and will analyze the relationship between age and identification with a nation. In their book, Smith and Wistrich state that Britain sensed an identity problem after power was devolved to Scotland and Wales in 1998 (2009). It may be true that the Scots and Welsh feel more attached to their own name...... middle of paper ....... According to Pippa Norris, an individual's degree of nationalism is built from an early age and is based on “the international context of the time” (Stone and Muir, 2007: 5), for example, citizens born in the 1940s, at the time of the Second World War, will have a stronger sense of British belonging than those born in the 1940s. the era of globalization and conflicts around the EU. Younger generations identify less with Britain than their parents or grandparents. The Home Office's Citizenship Survey sees age as the most powerful factor in 'belonging to Britain' and the survey shows those over 75 feel the strongest identification with Britain (Heath and Roberts, 2008). If the same trend of low national allegiance among younger generations persists in coming years, British national identity will certainly be weakened (Stone and Muir)., 2007).