
  • Essay / The Life and Death of Cleopatra - 1137

    The Life and Death of Cleopatra Everyone wonders how Cleopatra took over Egypt and what she did during her reign. Cleopatra ruled during the Ptolemaic Dynasty (BBC). Ptolemaic rule ended with the death of this impressive woman. During Cleopatra's lifetime, she inherited the throne of Egypt; fell in love with two influential Romans, just to commit suicide to escape Octavian's punishment. Cleopatra's father, King Auteles, also known as Ptolemy XII or "The Pied Piper" because he knew how to play the flute. Cleopatra's mother remains a mystery. They believe she is Auletes' sister, Cleopatra V Tryphaina (Nardo). They are of more Greek than Egyptian origin. While Auletes was still in power, he reduced the value of the silver coin by a third of its original value. This imposed new unfair taxes. The rebellion soon began by the time Cleopatra was 10 years old. Auletes, in his attempt to strengthen his position, asked the ruler of Rome, Julius Caesar, to declare Egypt as an ally. With this high title, he believed it would make people fear him more. Caesar agreed but demanded large bribes. After he agreed to give money to Caesar, Egypt's finances deteriorated, making him even more unpopular with his people (Nardo). In his attempt to solve his problem, Auletes went to Rome to ask Caesar for more help. At this time, his throne became the focus of his eldest daughter. Cleopatra Tryphaina, the king's first born, seized the Egyptian throne. Some supporters of the king, in Egypt, killed the usurper (Nardo). King Auletes' other daughter, Berenice, then seized the throne. To reclaim the throne, a Roman nobleman had to be paid a high price to seize it. By the time Auletes regained power, he died, leaving middle of paper... what she wanted. She always made the most of what she had (“Queen Cleopatra VII – Last Pharaoh of Egypt”). Cleopatra was a born leader and very ambitious. The Greek historian Dio Cassius wrote: “Thanks to her own genius she captivated the two greatest Romans of her time, and because of the third she destroyed herself” (Nardo). Works Cited BBC. “Cleopatra.” Np, and Web. March 7, 2014. Naden, Corinne J. and Rose Blue. Cleopatra. Philadelphia, PA: Chelsea House, 2001. Print.Nardo, Don. Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Egypt. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 2005. Print.Nardo, Don. Cleopatra. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 1994. Print. “Queen Cleopatra VII – Last Pharaoh of Egypt. » Ancient/classical history. Np, and Web. April 24, 2014. "Tour Egypt :: Cleopatra: The woman behind the name." Cleopatra: the woman behind the name. Np, and Web. April 23. 2014