
  • Essay / The Use of Symbols in Fireshadow - 1310

    The Use of Symbols in FireshadowIn the novel "Fireshadow", symbols are used in different ways and in different contexts to suggest or represent something else without directly saying so. The symbols in “Fireshadow” add depth to the story and make you think about what is happening. This essay will examine the different ways in which symbols, such as fire, scars, and the bush, are used for this purpose. The main symbol used in "Fireshadow" is fire. It is used throughout the book to show death, loss, fear, destruction, growth and sterilization. “But the flames were too hungry, too angry and the car was burning. Steel, rubber, glass, and flesh melted together, crackling and crackling, and the heat forced him (Vinnie) back, even as he sank in again and again. Pain burned the exposed skin of his face and arms. His screams subsided as more arms reached out from behind, dragging him into the cool darkness. Page 18Vinnie loses his sister Katia in a car accident. She is burned alive. “His hands shook as he struck the match and watched the little spark catch, first on the paper, then on the twigs. He held his breath; it was the first time since the accident that he had been near a fire, or even allowed himself to think about it. Already the heat was beginning to radiate and his scars were tingling... The fire cast leaping shadows against the curtain of trees and Vinnie found himself staring at it, fascinated. The dance of light on darkness was familiar, frightening, and despite himself, Vinnie was falling. Page 15Vinnie is constantly taken back to the night of the accident when he sees a fire. This makes him think about losing Katia and his inability to save her. “Cauterize, Erich. This is when you use a hot iron or flame to literally burn the infection from the wound. This is something we need to do from time to time, and also when we desperately need to stop bleeding. page 36Fire is used to cauterize Günter's stump after his leg is amputated. This shows that fire is not always bad but can be used to sterilize. "'I told you before, Erich, sometimes burning is all you can do.''But surely, doctor, the destruction...''It's true, and the destruction is often terrible. But fire brings also life. Eliminate dead wood, make way for new trees and plants. It's a paradox, Erich..