
  • Essay / Pollution in Fukushima - 986

    On March 11, 2011, a devastating tsunami and earthquake hit Japan. The earthquake was a magnitude 9 and it was the most devastating earthquake ever recorded in Japan in history. Even today, Japan is recovering from the damage caused. But the tsunami and earthquake didn't just damage land and buildings. The Fukushima nuclear reactor was damaged. When the nuclear power plant was damaged, the cooling pump did not work fully and caused a hydrogen explosion in the plant. With this explosion, a 10 km radius was contaminated by radiation. But after all these years, people may have already forgotten, but this contamination continues to progress. Soon, if they don't stop the radiation leak, an entire Pacific Ocean could be contaminated with radiation. Radiation is a form of electromagnetic waves that can pass through objects. But when the human body is exposed to a large amount of radiation, it can cause "nausea and vomiting that often begins within hours of exposure, followed by diarrhea, headache, and fever." » (BBC news, 2013). The higher your radiation dose, the higher your chances of developing these symptoms. In the leaking tank at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, “there is radiation high enough to prove fatal within four hours of exposure. The radiation emitted by the flowing water was around 100 millisiverts per hour” (BBC news, 2013). 11,000 people living in an area of ​​20 km from the Rector had to be evacuated immediately after the melt. A week later, a voluntary evacuation was announced for people living within 20 to 30 km. Six weeks later; the voluntary evacuation zone was extended to 50-60 km. From now on, the area near the rector has become a prohibited zone. Some people still can't return to their homes and neighborhoods because of the amount of...... middle of paper ......ter, they should repair the crack on the tank by making the concrete piece which could cover the cracks and place it above the crack because if the water is still flowing it is impossible to fill the crack with raw concrete. Additionally, they should build a 10 km radius of radiation-resistant concrete wall around the shores of Fukushima to prevent further pollution of the Pacific Ocean. This is very important because by closing the path of spread across the ocean, it means that it does not spread across the entire ocean and affect other countries like Hawaii or Australia. These solutions are not the easy thing to do but maintain a business on such a large scale. and when a disaster occurs involving many people, they should take responsibility for their own business. And I hope that Fukushima will be able to rise from the ashes and the mess they created and rise again..