
  • Essay / A new international settlement for the Middle East

    The Middle East conflict is as old as the hills and there are divergent views on the solution to the Middle East conflicts. The divergence came from the fact that we did not have the same views on the roots. Ahmed Zewal, in his speech at Cairo University in 2009, said: “Peace will never be achieved without a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Others say that Shiite and Sunni Islamic divisionism is at the root of the entire crisis. The other cause on the list is oil, which is the most valuable commodity in the world. Since at least 1993, the United States has imported on average nearly a third (30.89%) of its oils from neighbors such as Canada, Mexico, and in the same year the United States imported oil from the Middle East, particularly the Persian Gulf region (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait). , Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates) almost 22.90%.Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Kraemer (2009) argued that the United States' overreliance on oil has led to miserable politics in the Arab world. Different solutions to the Middle East conflict have been proposed, some have been accepted and implemented, others have not reached the level of paper or signatures. This article will discuss the new international settlement for the Middle East. Is there a single cure or does the Middle East need a combination of medicines? Which country has the key to the settlement is the Middle East, the United States, Russia, all Middle Eastern countries or Israel and Palestine? PJO' Rourke, an American political satirist and journalist, said that you don't despair about something like the Middle East, you do your best. Maybe one day the Middle East will be peaceful. The current belief is that any strategy to deal with a protracted crisis must take into account the realities of the Middle East as they all are. Any other suggestion is an illusion. In-depth knowledge of the Middle East problem is necessary to better understand the problem. There is no single cure for the crisis, but every problem requires a tailored solution. Whenever the Middle East problem is mentioned, the Israeli-Palestinian problem immediately appears or comes to mind. But as stated earlier, there are many causes of conflict in the Middle East. Islamic divisionism, Shia and Sunni, is one of the main ingredients of this lasting conflict. The two sects fight and try to influence each other. A global survey conducted by the Pea Research Center found that although there are tensions and differences between the two sects, they have many similarities, when it comes to religious practices, with the majority of Shiites and Sunnis share characteristics of the Islamic faith such as belief in one God and the Prophet Muhammad, belief in hell and heaven, and observance of fasting during Ramadan. The survey results show that in five countries studied, a significant percentage of Shiites and Sunnis are concerned about sectarian conflict. Two-thirds of Muslims in Lebanon say sectarian tensions are a very or moderately important problem in their country. About 52% of Muslims in Iraq, 44% in Afghanistan and 23% in Iran are worried. This divisionism must first be resolved and Muslims put aside their conflicts and seek to live in peace. Sunni-Shiite divisionism has raised numerous tensions: the civil war in Iraq, the case of Hezbollah, the rise of Iranian ambitions in the region. As long as these sects of Islam..