
  • Essay / Flu epidemic ravages America

    An epidemic sweeps across America. This epidemic has affected almost every individual in America. Millions of people could have it, but they don't realize they have it. It changes the daily thoughts and actions of those who have it. This harms all individuals who allow themselves to be consumed. It is almost impossible to cure. Medications are useless against this. There is no fully proven immunity to prevent a person from contracting this nasty disease. This can cause symptoms such as stress, overwork, waste, hopelessness, emptiness, and carelessness, to name a few. What is this devastating disease? Affluenza, “the feeling of bloat, sluggishness, and dissatisfaction that results from striving” to seek happiness with wealth and material objects (Introduction). People who suffer from the flu are obsessed with obtaining more wealth and material objects, but are not satisfied with what they have, but are mentally damaged in ways that are difficult to heal. To begin with, everyone who is rich becomes obsessed with the pursuit of money and material objects. in order to obtain happiness and satisfaction. In the United States, the vast majority of Americans buy more and more products every year. Source E states that "per capita consumption in the United States has increased by 45% over the past twenty years." This sharp increase proves that the desire for new things is increasing sharply. The majority of the United States is very wealthy according to this statistic. The majority eventually became obsessed with obtaining more items. They believe that “just a little more will finally bring happiness” (Source E). The rich are continually infatuated with wealth and material goods in order to achieve this happiness. However, the sad truth is that money cannot buy happiness. Source F......middle of paper......somehow they don't deserve the same consequences as the rest of the majority. They placed themselves above the majority of Americans. Anyone who places themselves above the majority is hurt. “All men are created equal” (Jefferson et al.). Everyone should face the same consequences, regardless of how much wealth they possess. Anyone who believes otherwise is psychologically damaged. The Affluenza has not only been obsessive and unsatisfying, but has also left large numbers of people emotionally and mentally damaged. In conclusion, Affluenza has created a significant impact on many people by perpetuating an unsatisfying and damaging obsession. This epidemic has spread to dangerous levels and is affecting many, many people. It has become almost impossible to get rid of this devastating disease as it can consume the mind and soul. The flu can only shatter dreams of happiness.