
  • Essay / Why Abortion Should Be Legalized

    Table of ContentsIntroductionWhy Abortion Should Be LegalConclusionReferencesThis essay provides an example of an argumentative essay that argues for the legalization of abortion. It focuses on women's rights, reducing crime and combating pregnancies resulting from sexual assault. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essayIntroductionAs the word “abortion” is heard, it is constantly associated with many negative things, such as murder and 'inhumanity. However, not allowing abortion is a major problem for women, not only here in the Philippines, but around the world. Having a child takes thought and planning and if pregnancy happens without all of that, why bother having it? This question leads us to the next one: why abortion should be legalized. An essay on this theme will attempt to answer these questions. Our government has worked hard to try to advance preventive services; however, abortion is illicit under all conditions and is exceptionally condemned. Regardless, abortion is common among some people, but it is routinely performed through unsanitary procedures and using unsafe methods. Regardless of the progress of the Reproductive Health Law or the Reproductive Health Law, many Filipino women face unwanted pregnancies and, on the grounds that abortion is exceptionally condemned here in our country, many of those who seeking an abortion are confronted with risky methods and techniques. Unsafe abortion carries enormous dangers for Filipino women. Every year, hundreds of women are estimated to die from complications related to fetal removal, adding to the country's high maternal mortality rate. While thousands of women are hospitalized each year for abortion-related complications. Given the dangers of unsafe abortion, many women need post-abortion care, but they face barriers to obtaining such care, including the shame of having an abortion and the significant expense of medical care. . Why should abortion be legal? First, it supports the main human rights of women by giving them a decision or choice; it decreases wrongdoing by reducing the number of children growing up in less than ideal conditions. In addition, women have the possibility to decide to abort for some important reasons. The privilege of making these choices should belong to the mother who must make choices about her own body. According to the National Bureau of Health Research (2007), sometimes complications arise during pregnancy and the doctor chooses to spare the mother's life. Obviously, this implies that the fetus dies and the mother lives, but this would be better than losing both existences of the mother and the unborn child. In this situation, abortion is recommended. For a pregnant mother and her unborn child, where pregnancy difficulties can result in the death of both, it is best to spare the mother's life, through abortion. Second, raising a child is not a simple task and one that requires social and emotional responsibility combined with financial resources. In case we as people cannot give a child a healthy life; then bringing them into the world would only cause more problems that should never have been released anyway. The individual rights of women concern themselves,but the child depends on her to live. One of the most essential rights of women is the privilege to control their own bodies and decide whether they have a child. No one but her can decide whether she is emotionally and physically ready to have and raise a child at any given time. Third, the war on women has been particularly powerful in influencing many people to believe that Christians must march together against abortion. of any nature whatsoever to always be legitimate, to the point of condemning the miscarriage itself. Individuals who attempt to recruit strict Christians into this war do so under the cover of the law. The claim that the Bible itself calls for such restriction. Again, in reality this is not the case, the Bible does not once explicitly deny abortion; in fact, it's actually the opposite. Not only were the methods of abortion surely understood at the time, but there are occasions when the Bible states that God commands this to happen. Examples are found in Genesis 38 “Tamar: Killing an Unwanted Pregnancy.” In this story, the Bible says that the slaughter of an unborn child is important when dealing with anything but a child conceived in a way that meets the needs of its mother's society. The book of Scripture is not hostile to abortion. Rather, I conclude that there is a non-Biblically based movement that purports to use the Bible as a basis to attack women who do not carry their pregnancies to term, whether or not it is an involuntary loss. Fourth and finally, the media systematically tells the story of either a child or a woman who was attacked by individuals she knew or by strangers. Therefore, the legalization of abortion will resolve the resulting cases of unwanted pregnancies and the difficulties faced during pregnancies. When a pregnancy occurs as a result of an assault, it is not the victim who is to blame, it is the culprit. Also, the vast majority of victims are not prepared for these pregnancies. In this way, abortion becomes the best option to end these pregnancies. This offers them a chance to pursue their aspirations at the highest levels without restrictions. In case it becomes legal, it would give individuals the courage to consult professional doctors and safely terminate unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, this reduces the frequency of deaths due to abortion-related complications. As the Center for Reproductive Rights' global map of abortion laws highlights, the Philippines is out of line with the vast majority of the world. In one case, a young doctor was attacked by a government official who was paying for her education. After discovering she was pregnant, she attempted to have an abortion herself and eventually died from the difficulties associated with her risky abortion and her inability to obtain medical services. As a result, a large number of Filipino women face comparable circumstances and, due to our outdated abortion laws, are also at risk of dying from unsafe abortions. In this situation, certain kinds of human rights have been violated. One of them is the privilege of life. Her death was a completely preventable pregnancy-related death caused by the government's failure to legally facilitate access to abortion. Criminal provisions on abortion lead to an attack on the privilege of life by denying women access to safe abortion. Second, the failure to provide legal access to emergency contraception and abortion for a victim of sexual violence violates government commitments=4931)