
  • Essay / Dehumanization in Brave New World - 1483

    For example, the phrase "an ounce is worth a damn" is recited by the citizens of the World State, meaning the expansion of happiness (Huxley 54). One of the goals of the World State is to get rid of all negative emotions and feelings. To do this, they give citizens a gram of drug, soma, which plunges them into a sort of state of unconsciousness. This blinds people to the truth and turns them into slaves who do not realize that they are actually suffering, which is what Huxley is trying to point out. The World State also delayed scientific progress, believing it would interfere with people's happiness, which is revealed when Mustapha states that “it is not only art that is incompatible with happiness; it is also science. Science is dangerous; we have to keep him most carefully chained and muzzled” (Huxley 231). Mustapha believes that while science is good for progress, it can often reveal facts that do not contribute to happiness. By limiting science, Mustapha believes he is ensuring everyone's happiness when in reality, they leave no room for progress and change. Progress and change are seen as threats to this totalitarian society and can show people the truth about how bad things really are. Instead, they decide to ignore it and choose to stay happy, but