
  • Essay / The relationship between sport and identity - 1191

    Sport and identity together have a unique relationship in which any regional or national location can use sport as a means of creating a sense of identity. The relationship is complex and varied. Identity can be explained as the understanding of what or who a person or thing is. Sport is capable of creating a sense of national belonging and this is an important factor. It is also important for a nation to create a sense of identity, but this is particularly important for a regional area. For a small country, hosting a major sporting event is a significant achievement, especially given the rivalry with larger neighboring countries. Nationalism can be expressed less aggressively through sport because there is a clear winner and a loser; it’s a clear way of asserting the superiority of your idea over others. In this essay, a regional example and a national example will be examined to see how they use sport to affirm their sense of identity. Yorkshire County Cricket Club cricket will be used as a regional example source and rugby in South Africa will be used as a national example. We will examine the factors they used to inflict sport as a means of promoting their identities and also whether these identities are sustainable. National identity can be explained as a group of people belonging to the same nation, regardless of their culture or religion. They share a common national anthem, language, history, laws and government. Segregation and discrimination are long-rooted problems in South Africa's history. There is a diversity of cultures and languages ​​and therefore tensions are high between different groups. In 1994, the African National Congress was elected. Parallel to this National Congress was born the idea of ​​achieving a middle of paper ...... sport. On the world stage, South Africa has been recognized as a country in change and in the process of changing for the better. Yorkshire, a working-class, middle-class area, was helped by the Industrial Revolution to help increase its population and raise levels of interest in cricket. A local community can be united in meaningful ways by the power of locals' passion and pride in the club. They acquire a feeling of belonging to the territory. The regional press publicized the club and the region's identity through its coverage of the local cricket team that locals believed they belonged to. Sport and identity have a healthy relationship together in which one can greatly benefit the other. If positive identities are achieved by the nation or region, they become sustainable because everyone will follow the positive image created around the nation or region in question..