
  • Essay / Universal healthcare, an enemy of our freedom - 645

    According to the source, it is claimed that the establishment of universal healthcare will lead to increased taxes and restrict the civil liberties of our citizens. He asserts that universal health care is the fundamental step in paving the way for the development of autocratic government and diminishing our most essential rights and freedoms. As a people, we are fortunate to live in a thriving democratic nation, in which we have the right to vote, own private property, and have freedom of speech. For years, our ancestors fought to grant these rights to our nation, and as citizens, we have fought to protect these precious freedoms. The basis for creating a universal healthcare system is detrimental to the backbone of our nation. We demand that power be controlled by the people and not by old men in suits who for decades have micromanaged the heart of modern society. The source's view demonizes the beliefs of liberalism and that it should not be incorporated into our government because it could harm the nation's economy and destroy the autonomy of citizens. In 2008, the world experienced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Hard-working men and women were forced out of their jobs, small businesses were forced to close, and thousands of families were pushed into unavoidable debt. The market had entered a financial storm marked by corporate bankruptcies, deficits and rising unemployment. Yet during this economic catastrophe, leftists plan to create a health care system that will further ruin citizens' economic lives by raising taxes on working class families and causing financial hardship... middle of paper. ....rsal Healthcare, we are failing to achieve this goal. As people, we must understand that supporting this healthcare system will result in ordinary, middle-class families falling further into debt, our freedoms restricted, and our medical needs at risk. We must ask ourselves if we are willing to give up our freedom and prosperity for an illegitimate form of health care that will only give the government more political power. Overall, the idea of ​​a universal healthcare system is appalling because it allows the government to prey on the free will of its own citizens and create a form of oppressive authority within society. The source is correct that providing universal health care will reduce the sovereignty of the people and that to keep government out of our medicine cabinets we must end the idea of ​​socialized health care..