
  • Essay / Brown v. Board of Education - 1199

    "Segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though physical facilities and other "tangible" factors may be equal, deprives minority children. equal educational opportunity group? We believe it is --quoting the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education. To this day, the Brown Versus the Board of Education ruling is known as one of the most important Supreme Court rulings of the 20th century. Brown versus the Board of Education ruled that racial segregation of students had disrupted certain parties. of the 14th Amendment The outcome of this case would eventually spark a true racial revolution across the United States of America and a new way of schooling and accepting mixed people Brown v. Board of Education was a decision of. very important justice due to the similarity of the cases before being overturned, the effect the decision had on the rest of the world, and the end of "equal but separate" establishments. the 1896 decision resembles the Brown v. Board of Education decision. Homer Plessy was an African American who refused to give up his seat on a train when a white man entered the train and had nowhere to sit. By doing this, Homer Plessy was violating Louisiana state law. Plessy would later be arrested for his actions, but would decide to fight his arrest in court. He would state that by arresting him, they were violating the “equal protection clause” of the 14th Amendment. Soon, Plessy's case would be taken to the United States Supreme Court, where it would be rejected by a majority of eight to one. The Supreme Court would state that "The purpose of the [Fourteenth] Amendment was undoubtedly to enforce middle of paper ... just one example of discrimination against black workers." In a Detroit hospital district, for a medical student to graduate, they must deliver only a black baby. They did this because if the medical student ruined the birth, it would not affect the white person's child. It was okay to ruin the birth of a black child, but not a white child. The Brown v. Board of Education case is a huge decision because of how connected the cases were before being overturned, the impact the decision had on the rest of the world, and how this decision caused the destruction of “equal but separate” establishments. Additionally, the Brown v. Board of Education decision marked the beginning of a civil rights movement; she gave black people around the world hope that the United States was making huge strides in equality. Even though the United States has taken a big step forward,