
  • Essay / Disturbing the Peace - 741

    “Tom’s entire being applauded the idea. It was deep, dark and horrible; the time, the circumstances, the environment were in harmony with it” (Twain, p. 57) Tom Sawyer, from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, always thought of the deepest and most mischievous ideas. Should he have acted on every idea that came to his mind? From one adventure to another, Tom boasted of his sneaky behavior, which exempted him from the most uncomfortable situations. Tom's friend Huckleberry Finn accompanied him on many exciting but dangerous adventures. Tom visited three main places during his intriguing travels; a cemetery in the middle of the night with Huck, a haunted house with Huck and finally an island with Huck and another friend, Joe. In anticipating these adventures, Tom never thought about the consequences and risks that could ensue. Although their escapades were full of fun and excitement, they represented danger, evil, and disobedience. Tom should not have visited the cemetery, the haunted house, or the island because it put him and others in danger, Injun Joe could have harmed them, and that was not an obedient choice. Tom should not have visited the cemetery, haunted house, or island because it put him and others in danger. On several occasions, Tom and his friends came close to being seriously injured. One day, while Tom, Huck and Joe were on the island, a terrible storm occurred. Seeking safety, they entered their tent but the aggressive winds destroyed the roof. Eventually, the boys found shelter under a giant oak tree. Terrified, they watched the storm tear the island apart. The three returned to the tent and found it destroyed along with the tree that sheltered it. Without finding ... middle of paper ...... ly, they didn't care about friends and family who would worry about them while they were on the island. For days, people searched for the three missing minors. Obviously, Tom shouldn't have left those three times because it wasn't an obedient choice. Tom shouldn't have visited the cemetery, the haunted house, or the island. By visiting these multiple locations, he endangered himself and others. The most dangerous adventure was their journey to the island. As Tom already knew, Injun Joe was a harmful and unpredictable man. This shows another reason why Tom should have stayed home on all three occasions. Most importantly, Tom knew he couldn't leave the house without permission. He disobeyed in carrying out his plan, breaking Aunt Polly's rules, the law and God's commandments. Although it wasn't always intentional, Tom continually looked for ways to disrupt things..