
  • Essay / My Family's Migration to the United States - 708

    The United States is a country known for its diversity of nationalities and ethnic races. After extensive research and questioning, I discovered that my ancestors were from Norway and Switzerland. My family emigrated from Norway to the United States in the late 1800s due to social, economic, and religious reforms as well as a population surplus. Learning about my ancestor's immigration to America greatly influenced my views on the immigration issues the United States currently faces. Like many Norwegians in the late 1800s, my ancestors made the expedition from Norway to America in search of a better life. The most common route taken by most Norwegian natives was from Norway to New York, and then they settled the Great Plains of the upper Midwest. Which included states like Minnesota, Wisconsin or the Dakotas. Most Norwegians preferred to settle in a rural area, which these states offered, as well as the opportunity to stay near other Norwegian immigrants. Following traditional Norwegian migration patterns, my great-grandfather traveled from Norway to America. He arrived in New York and then went to Minnesota. My great-grandfather remained in Minnesota for the rest of his life. As a young boy, my grandfather, Christian Olaf Johnson, emigrated from Minnesota to Karvel Colorado in the early 1900s during the homesteading days and became a first-generation settler. After living in Colorado for about 30 years, the Dust Bowl hit and due to the adverse effects of drought on their living conditions, such as starvation, my grandfather made the decision to migrate to California, where my family is settled to this day. .This migratory support...... middle of paper therefore, it is necessary that we make more efforts to allow immigrants to come to America and have a chance to have a better future. America has passed such strict regulations and laws and to legally migrate to America, which I imagine is the cause of the large number of illegal immigrants in our country today. In conclusion, migration is a part of everyone's life, if it were not for immigrants, and the migrations of our ancestors, the United States would not be known as a country with a diversity of nationalities and of different ethnicities. Without my great-grandfather's migration to America, my family would not be where it is today and I probably would not have all the opportunities I have now in terms of education and freedoms. religious. I am very indebted to my ancestors for emigrating and allowing my family to live the life we ​​have in America..