
  • Essay / Ancient Islam's View on Gender Roles

    When you imagine Islamic women, the image that immediately comes to mind is that of a woman dressed in black, with no body parts visible. Even more, it is difficult to imagine that this specter has any sexuality. Yet in Tariq Ali's novel The Book of Saladin, this is exactly what the ancient Islamic world was like. Women were significantly freer and enjoyed great respect. Sex was talked about openly and homosexuality was widely acknowledged. In the book, the two characters of Halima and Jamila show the power of women in the golden age of Islam. They represent the strengths that women can possess, ranging from philosophy to independence to musical skills. Compared to modern Muslim women, it seems that they are the ones who should be living in modern times. In The Book of Saladin, Tariq Ali shows the strength of women in society, while emphasizing how Muslims were devoid of sexual morals compared to Europeans of the time. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay When you think of the modern feminist, women in positions of power probably come to mind. Chances are they are educated or very knowledgeable in something, maybe even politics. In the United States, feminism has come a long way, there are even women running for president, which was unimaginable just 25 years ago. However, Islam today is a completely patriarchal society. What makes Halima and Jamila so special is how they manage to stand out in a male-dominated society. Ali takes care to note the strengths of each woman. Although each of these is not historically accurate, what they show is the potential of women in the golden age of Islam in which they lived. Halima is important to the idea of ​​powerful women because of her independence. Although she is known for her beauty, that's not just what defines her. For example, she is accused of adultery because of her affair with another man. Even when threatened with death, she remains true to herself. When she addresses the Sultan, she is bold and confident, as Ibn Yakub, the Sultan's scribe, notes: "At this, her eyes shone... She spoke with confidence and without any trace of humility. She had completely regained possession of herself and spoke to the sultan in a confident voice as if she were speaking to an equal” (24). Halima's willingness when speaking to the Sultan shows her confidence, if not outright aggression. Being on the verge of death, and at such a young age (she is twenty), but still so firm when speaking to the most powerful man in the kingdom shows her complete confidence in herself. On the contrary, it is very bold of him. We now know that women in Islamic society are subject to the whims of their husbands. If one spoke the way Halima does, almost a thousand years ago, she would almost certainly be put in prison, if not subject to harsher punishments. On the contrary, the Sultan is extremely impressed. Ibn Yakub notes his reaction, stating that "Salah Al-Din had drunk in every word, observed every gesture and noticed every flash of the eyes" (27). The Sultan's reaction shows the values ​​of Islamic society. Even though this woman should have been sentenced to death for her crime and would have been stoned to death in modern times, he instead opts for a different path. By sparing her, he shows the value that Islamic society places on independence. The fact that this value has also been extended to women shows the type of equality that can beexpect women in society. Halima's episode with the Sultan shows how women can expect to be treated fairly and are valued based on their own actions rather than their gender. The other main female character in the book is Jamila. While Halima is known for her feistiness and beauty, Jamila is notable for her wit. Of course, she's also a beautiful woman, but what makes her so valuable is her mind. This premise is stated in Ibn Yakub's conversation with Halima, which states: “It is Jamila who keeps our spirits alive. His father was an enlightened sultan. He adored her and insisted that she be educated, just like her brothers” (94). The fact that Jamila was educated in itself was extremely rare. In European society, most people could not read and the best a woman could hope for was to be someone's wife. They would have been educated on how to be a woman, not on understanding complicated philosophies. Even today, women's education remains an important issue. Girls in Middle Eastern countries are under threat if they go to school and the vast majority will never receive a secondary education. Here in the 12th century is a woman who has the mental capacity to rationally question the existence of God. This can be seen in his letter to Ibn Yakub, which contains a parable that says: "How will you decide when a question arises... Mu'adh: According to the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. Prophet: What if you find nothing there? Mu'adh: Then I will apply my own reasoning” (191). Jamila's ability to apply philosophical reasoning and logic to her own life is an incredible skill. Being able to express oneself and think for oneself demonstrates a high level of critical thinking, rarely seen in most men. Especially in a time when religion dictates daily life and every action must conform to certain rules. Jamila's intelligence is another way of showing how valuable women were in ancient Islamic society. Even though she is also beautiful, Ali lets the reader know that the most important part of her is her mind, and that is what really needs to be respected. Another important aspect related to liberal parts of Islamic society is freedom of sexuality. Similarly, in the dark ages of Europe, sexual relations were considered immoral and illegal outside of marriage. In Islamic states, this practice was widespread and openly discussed, even between men and women. For example, Jamila tells a story that reflects the opening of her sexuality towards Ibn Yakub, a person she had just met. She says casually: “I remember one occasion, shortly after I became his wife. We were in bed and he suddenly decided to practice al-Azl, withdrawing at a critical moment” (123). Jamila's openness about her sex life is astonishing. Even in modern society, it is a very private part of someone's life to share. Talking about it with someone who is practically a complete stranger is even more so. The liberalism of Muslim society during this era is an honest reflection of its societal values. They like openness and sharing, discussing and contemplating. Being open about sex, something that is normally so stigmatized, is part of it. In addition to normal sexual relations, homosexuality is widely accepted. In fact, it was almost even popular. Ibn Yakub notes “In a special brothel reserved exclusively for the nobility, a young prostitute had been procured for the night” (120). The fact that brothels existed with only male prostitutes is a testament to their popularity. That..