
  • Essay / Character Analysis of Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice

    Character Analysis: Mr. DarcyIntroduced in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice as a tall, handsome, self-centered aristocrat, Darcy experiences a change in personality and character . In order to shake off his current views on money and marriage, Darcy needed to feel something, to fall in love. Although he was well-mannered, he did not know how to treat women with respect, especially those of lower economic status. Elizabeth Bennet's love, however, changed his behavior. The reader first experiences Mr. Darcy's arrogance at the Meryton Ball. When speaking of Elizabeth Bennet, he said so snobbishly that she was “…tolerable, but not beautiful enough to tempt me” (Austen 9). His feelings of superiority over the townspeople cause Mr. Darcy to be judged as a man with a repulsive and cruel personality. Women, who had found him attractive at first glance, considered him a man unworthy of marriage because he offered no positive qualities other than wealth. Not only did Darcy refuse to dance with Elizabeth, but he makes it clear that no woman in the room was worthy or met his standards of a suitable partner, stating that "...there is no other woman in this room, which would not be a punishment for me to stand up” (Austen 8), Mr. Darcy only cares about the wealth and social status of the townspeople. their lower social rank, he feels that they do not deserve his presence and refuses to communicate with them However, as the novel progressed, Darcy became more and more accepting of the Bennet family Becoming very attached to Elizabeth Bennet. , the simple and intelligent girl, he finally breaks up and confesses his true feelings of love for her "In vain...... in the middle of a paper...... he came to her" ( Austen 239). Both impressed by each other and in love, even though when first introduced they had a strange dislike for each other, Darcy's character and personality changed, passing from an ostentatious man to a man in love. Love changes Mr. Darcy. It is because of this strong emotion that he wanted to put aside the preconceived ideas according to which a woman must come from a rich family to be considered. Through her strong will and kind personality, Elizabeth captured Darcy's attention and heart, and after falling in love with her, he did not hesitate to shed his old standards to let in the love of his life, the least expected. Works CitedAusten, Jane. Pride and prejudice. Ed. Donald Gray. New York: WW Norton & Company, 2001. Pride and Prejudice. Real. Joe Wright. Perf. Keira Knightley and Matthew Mcfadyen. 2005. DVD. Focus Features, 2006.