
  • Essay / Video games are a good thing - 773

    Global entertainment has evolved technologically and the most recent advancement is in video games. Since video games entered our global culture, many changes have taken place. They have become the new “big thing” in modern entertainment. Unfortunately, the rise of video games has come with a lot of debate about whether games are actually good for you. The global media has accused video games of being the main source of aggression, but video games can actually help people around the world in social, physical and intellectual ways. A huge controversy has arisen over the incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. In December 2012, Adam Lanza, a video gamer, killed twenty children and six teachers after shooting his own mother. He committed suicide shortly after the shooting ended. Authorities quickly used video games as a scapegoat to explain the massacre. A police officer told the New York Daily News: “[This] was a tally sheet. It was the work of a video gamer, and he intended to put his own name at the top of that list. (Lupica) While politicians blame video games for tragedies, video games help remove real-world aggression and let it be released through a fictional experience. Dr. Kipling D. Williams PhD, professor of social psychological sciences at Purdue University, mentioned that "children's violent tendencies may be diverted to violent video games rather than practicing them in real life." (Wei) This shows one of the many benefits people can get from games. When playing multiplayer video games, people can be helped socially and intellectually. For example, WOW or World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, MMO...... middle of paper ......deo-games-speed-up-reaction-time/>."Stop Blaming Video Games - My Personal Argumentative Essay - Gaming Discussion - GameSpot Stop Blaming Video Games! - My Personal Argumentative Essay - Gaming Discussion - GameSpot December 17, 2013. say video games are the real “problem”” Techdirt, and Web December 17, 2013. “Two more politicians say video games are the real “problem”” Techdirt, and Web December 17, 2013. “Video games are good” Joseph Cho Document.. 2013.