
  • Essay / Activity Diagram Diagram - 637

    Activity Diagrams and UP Activity DiagramPrinciple and ApplicationActivity diagrams use the Petri Net formalism to represent various flows, their timing and order. DAs are used to model dynamic behavior or operations. ADs are used for use cases, classes, interfaces, components, collaborations. ,OperationsSee next slideOther UML Diagrams for Data FlowsFor software modeling and design, activity diagrams are also used, but there are diagrams more suitable for software modeling. Sequence and communication diagrams. It is best to use them. NOT a processIt's a DIALOG (See 1C) or a CONVERSATIONA bunch of messagesWe need a symbol for thisUseCase needs a dialog symbol NOT an ADWe used an oval with a bunch of messagesBPMN uses a HEXAGONIt expands into a bunch of messages Some interactions ARE UseCASE DialogS When a subprocess involves only a single computer and a single user. The messages between them constitute a use case dialogue. One difference is that in a use case the focus is on the exchange messages, but NOT the internal activities of the user or system that flow and transform. To be precise, Tokens DO NOT flow through nodesThey flow through edgesThey are transformed at nodesElectronic payment A complex PROCESSIt involves FOUR entities which are all systems. Each system can be a considered system and its own use case diagram different from those of other systems. Start with the PROCESS activity diagram and then move on to modeling use cases for each system separately. Analyze independently and integrate. The complexity of the main process is not neglected but Each sub-process is ...... middle of paper ...... ect flow The flow lines are Of the same TYPE What enters, The NODE, What exits, Are also the sameInconsistencies of object node and streamsThe input and output edges of “object nodes” are “object streams”. These are special types of flows that represent the movement of objects displayed as nodes. The objects themselves are created and consumed by NORMAL action nodes. Flow of objects in the BPMN 1 conventionFlow of controls, messages and objects are well distinguishedObject "order" flows A1 to A2Along the dotted line (non-physical path)The object is displayed ON the dotted path but it is NOT a NODENot an elegant notation.Object flow in BPMN Convention 2Here the control flow is from A1 to A2And the object flow is also of the form A1 to A2. Thus, the object is “associated” with the control flow (as in the UML association class). It's much simpler and the dispute fees also take up less space..