
  • Essay / Global Animal Testing Problem

    Problem Statement: Animal testing has been around for centuries, starting with ancient Greek doctors who used animals to test drugs and animal anatomy. It was not until the 12th century that doctors first pushed the practice of surgical procedures on animals before surgery on humans. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Especially in the mid-20th century, animal testing became a necessity before prescribing drugs to the general public in the United States. In 1937, there was the Elixir Sulfanilamide incident where the prescription of a drug caused the deaths of over 100 people. It is stated that if they tested the drug on an animal, it would have been clear to see the deadly effects of Elixir Sulfanilamide and show how these deaths could have been avoided. This incident led to the implementation of a new law in the US federal system (Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938) which requires drugs and other products to be tested on animals before being authorized for distribution and sale to the general public. Animal testing is primarily intended to ensure the safety of medicines and cosmetics sold worldwide. However, even though they provide consumers with safer medications, animal testing still has drawbacks. In 1981, the Silver Spring Monkeys case changed the world's view on animal testing. In a laboratory in Silver Spring, Maryland, 17 macaque monkeys were used for animal research on neuroplasticity. Their cages remained dirty for days, the animals themselves were injured with lacerations and broken bones. Then the PETA founder discovered the truth about animals, sparked the animal rights movement, and revealed the horrors of animal testing to the world. Relevant International Actions/Past UN Efforts People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. This non-profit organization was founded on March 22, 1980 and focuses on 4 main issues. Animal testing, raising animals for food, raising fur animals, and using animals for entertainment. BUAV. This is an animal rights group that aims to end all animal testing worldwide, believing that there is no ethical justification for animal testing. EU, Norway, Israel, India. These countries have banned cosmetic testing on animals in their countries. The Chinese government requires animal testing for all imported cosmetic and skin care products, but since 2014 it has lifted the animal testing requirement for domestically manufactured products and since 2017 it has accepted non-innovative tests. -alternatives to animal testing. However, many multinational companies that are committed to being “cruelty-free” have shipped their animal testing to China as required by law and continue to conduct animal testing in the country. Universal Declaration of Animal Rights. In 2000, this was a suggested agreement at the UN. This agreement describes how countries should recognize that animals are sentient and encourages the responsible treatment of all types of animals, including animals used in industrial testing, as pets, as wild animals...etc. In the world we currently live in, this is undoubtedly due to animal testing. Medicines sold in pharmacies, cosmetics.