
  • Essay / A General Study of Queen Guinevere and King Fisher

    In a land and time that has ceased to exist in the minds of most men, there existed a realm called Eternity (Eternity Plains was named in honor of this mythical land), ruled by King Fisher. The kingdom prospered and everyone lived happily. Each family had three meals a day, and if ever a family was in need, there would always be another family to help them. One day, the Fisher King's wife, Queen Gwenivere, discovered her husband's dirty secret regarding his illicit trysts with other women, prompting her to seek help from the nefarious man's dark magic. fallen witch. The witch has concocted a poison that, when ingested, nullifies all five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. Queen Gwenivere slipped the poison into the king's wine during an evening meal... Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay With the king severely disabled, the kingdom slowly fell into moral and economic degeneration. The only thing the king could do each day was go to the easternmost part of his kingdom - apparently some impalpable force was guiding him - and face east. The king stayed there until noon and returned to the castle after the zenith of the sun. The people wanted to return to the days of prosperity and eventually called upon their most loyal friend, the wizard Marlin, to help restore peace and prosperity. The sorcerer Marlin agreed to the people's call and immediately went to examine the king's condition. Once his diagnosis was complete, the sorcerer announced to the people that the king needed the healing powers of the Wonderful Light, an orb of magical light located in the heart of an icy cavern, Endless Depths, located on the summit of the highest mountain . , Mount Clara. As people's morale rose, the sorcerer announced that only people with pure hearts and minds could enter the cave. After announcing the cure, the wizard Marlin stated that he would not be able to complete this quest - for a reason never revealed to the public - and that someone other than him had to do it. Two teachers of youth, a brother and a sister, stepped forward and declared that they would undertake this journey for their king, for their people, for their kingdom. Franklin and Joan, brother and sister, had just accepted one of the most arduous and risky journeys known to man. After gathering the necessary supplies and being blessed by Marlin and the other townspeople, the two began their mammoth quest. The trip to the cave was the easiest part, requiring only a week of hiking. Now began the difficult task: finding the Wonderful Light. Interestingly, both Franklin and Joan were able to enter the cave. As they progressed further into the cave, the temperature dropped significantly, so that even their heavy clothing could no longer withstand the icy grip of the frozen cavern, forcing Joan and Franklin to apply ointment, Marlin's special "dragon's breath" ointment on their skin. Instantly, both men were immune to the biting cold for twenty-four hours. As they neared the end of the tunnel, they noticed a faint glow coming from the end of the tunnel. When they reached the end of the corridor, they saw the Wonderful Light completely encased in a block of ice with a giant golden sword stuck in the ground next to it. As the two entered the glow of light, a sphinx-like creature materialized in front of the siblings. “What are you looking for?” "We seek the Light.."