
  • Essay / eyeball - 1010

    “The Little Red Hen” is an old, familiar folk tale that teaches the art of reaping the rewards of hard work. In this story, the hen finds a wheat seed, she asks the others around her: "Who will help me plant the seed?" All the characters around him simply answer: "Not me", they are too lazy to work, and in the end they miss out on the rewards of a warm loaf of bread because of their refusal to work hard. What digital marketers can learn from the story of “The Little Red Hen,” but the main lesson is that a seed can produce a loaf of bread if given proper time and care. In the digital age, brands want to see results and success immediately; they want proof that the strategy put in place really works and bears fruit. However, measuring results sometimes takes longer, which is why setting short- and long-term goals for content marketing strategies is essential. Let’s think of a blog post as a “seed” for the sake of metaphor. Creating valuable content through blog posts and other media-related content takes both time and effort. Every business brand presents itself through forms of written content and asks the audience, “Who will read my article?” If the audience responds with a loud “Not me,” then something has to change. What you need to ask the company is if the written content is only intended to sell and does not provide readers with valuable and relevant information. Blogging is not about selling, selling, selling. Yes, of course, every blog post can strategically increase the value of a product, but the majority of posts aim to bring the audience to the company's website, keep them on the site, engage them through to insightful information that.... . middle of paper ......integrated into the article topics, and an idea of ​​which beauty products would interest readers more because they are within the voted price range. Always allow time to listen to what readers are commenting on and sharing. , and talk about the content of the company blog. Bottom line… There are many reasons to create and maintain a consistent blog, but it's only worth it if steps are taken to make the posts known to others. They should be shared and give readers something to interact with so that they feel compelled to come back or subscribe to an email newsletter. Just as the little red hen was diligent, working to plant the wheat seed and care for it until it was ready to harvest and turn into bread; remember that just because a blog is written doesn't mean it will grow; it takes hard work, patience and careful planning to ensure success. Checklist for Every Blog Post