
  • Essay / Biography of George Washington - 1384

    “A man's intentions should be allowed, in some respects, to argue for his actions. » (“George Washington Quotes”). These words were written by George Washington in a letter to the Speaker of the House in December 1756. Throughout his life, Washington did many things, including helping found a nation and winning a war that would change never America. He fought and risked his life many times to shape America into what it is today. From a young age until the day he died, he took risks and made decisions that would change the course of his life and lead him to the presidency of the United States of America as one of the founding fathers. George Washington was conceived on February 22, 2017, 1732 on his father's plantation on Pope's Creek in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Being the third eldest, he was born to his father's second wife, Mary Ball. The first died two years before Washington was born, leaving him with two older brothers, Lawrence and Augustine. Augustine is named after Washington's father, Augustine Washington Senior. Two years after Washington's birth, the family moved across the Potomac River to the Mount Vernon plantation. Then they moved again in 1738 to Ferry Farm where Washington would spend most of his childhood. This is also where most of the fables about his childhood will come from. Fables like the tale in which he “threw a silver dollar across the Potomac.” When Washington was 11, his father died and left his land to Washington's older brothers. The income from what was left was just enough to support Mary Washington and her children. Being the eldest child still at home, Washington undoubtedly helped his mother maintain the Rappahannock River plantation on which they lived. On the plantation, he learned how... middle of paper... the Indian War made him famous when he was only 22 years old. He defended our nation with his life, his honor and his courage. He was a hero to everyone and charismatic. He was the only president to face no opposition and most believe he should be the only one. George Washington was truly a great American. Between ten and eleven o'clock in the evening on December 14, 1799, well after his term had ended and his wish to return home had been fulfilled, George Washington died. He was surrounded by those who loved him and were close to him, including his wife who sat at the foot of the bed, his friends who stayed in his room all day. According to his will, Washington was not buried for three days after his death. During this period, his body lay in a coffin in the “New Room”. On December 18, 1799, the funeral of our nation's first president and most famous hero was held at Mount Vernon..