
  • Essay / Women in the Heart of Darkness Theme - 1202

    She has a job and honestly enjoys her work at the hospital. Her life was filled with men making decisions for her, without ever having the freedom to make her own choices. She was actually "gifted" to her first husband and after his death she married a second time. Now a single mother, she continues her daily rituals and goes about her business, leading a quiet existence until she meets and falls in love with the widower, Bosaaso. Duniya never struck fear into the hearts of men, she never desired or strived for power. She seemed to just want to be free to make her own choices and for her country to finally be at peace. She wanted a stable life for herself and her children. Even though her daughter pushed her limits and was sometimes rebellious, Duniya admired her bravery and courage when it came to making difficult choices. Duniya was a calm, rational woman who never had the chance to taste power or feel as if she had a leadership role other than that of mother and wife. However, as the novel continues, the reader gets a taste of Duniya's quest for independence. She takes her first swimming lesson, during which she recovers from the fear of drowning. Her heart is overwhelmed by the thought that she might drown, and in that moment she makes a choice. Do not live in fear but take control of your fear and use it to your advantage. Duniya stays afloat