
  • Essay / My Journal Entries - 1424

    When I was about to strike a sword on a king's face, I froze and saw an eagle spirit with white ice too blue as possible and he said in a kakahhhh voice like he was trying to tell me something. I will never forget this day. Everyone standing, the king will inspect the barracks with the high priest Torri. Yes sir commander Odin, "now move it then" when the commander said to move it a sting in my back started it started as a non painful sting to a very painful arrow in my back . I talked to my closest friend and asked him what happened and can you look at my back but no one wants to listen to me. That day, the High Priest and the King visited the Barracks. The commander was happy with our reports. Journal Entry 104. The softness of my wife's buns was perfect, they tasted like gold and today my son Ahmad was a junior patrol guard. Also dad came over and said he wanted to talk tomorrow, it sounded like he was in a hurry - Mike Wolf I woke up this morning to someone's scream nearby and heard fires roaring, I got up as quickly as I could and ran to make sure my family was okay. I checked on my wife Rosia and my son Ahmad, I said in my mind. Quickly, I put on my armor and told my family to stay home and lock the doors. As I ran outside towards the barracks, Commander Odin told me that the East and South gates were under attack by the Rising Phoenix army. The Rising Phoenix army which was made up of former troops on our side they were left for dead or Veterans who hated us the Frozen Dragons of Protection yes it is we consisted of human elves and Asgardians. Asgardians are people born under the wing of the fire eagles and baptized in the springs of the golden mother who is said to be the queen of go...... middle of paper ...... erald middle. As the night went on we tried everything to break down that wall, then I had another flash, everything stopped and turned blue. Eagle was back and he said remember the word shout then shout Num Ah Ki Na Rinn after killing him I said ok. I was standing next to the door I said the scream and the door opened as I walked in she wouldn't let me in so I said that's it. “So here you are, a voice said I'm waiting, I'm going to crush you and take everything you know, let's start this battle,” Phoenix said. Okay. As I stabbed myself in the chest, I transformed into an eagle, the frozen eagle As we fought a little, I became less strong and I returned to my mortal form Drawing my sword, I knew this battle would not end! would not end well, this challenge, this match was going to be my last so as I hit him with my sword, I said to myself: I love my family The end.