
  • Essay / South Korea Research Report

    South Korean Business Culture and Etiquettes Business Style Koreans prefer to do business with people they know, so an introduction by a trusted third party may be necessary. The first meeting is generally used to establish trust and rapport which is essential for successful business relationships. Koreans value a strong work ethic. Punctuality and deadlines are scrupulously respected, and commitment to overtime – the refusal to leave work on time – is common. Employees and employers are reluctant to request or grant leave, other than sick leave or family circumstances. Korea has traditionally adhered to a six-day work week (Monday through Saturday, or half a Saturday), but many offices are moving toward a five-day work week. July and August are popular months for taking vacations for many businesspeople, so try to schedule your appointments on these dates, as well as during other major Korean holidays. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get the original essay The Korean business climate still operates on a patriarchal and male-dominated approach. Foreign businesswomen are capable of doing business, but they may have to overcome a certain level of discomfort among their Korean male counterparts. Korean businessmen may feel more comfortable if visiting women adopt a refined, modest demeanor and use a calm tone of voice. Female managers from more egalitarian cultures may experience great frustration when less experienced male members of their team are given deference and respect by their Korean counterparts, while their own opinions are ignored. Visiting teams who suspect they may encounter this difficulty are advised to think in advance about how to respond to encounters with this cultural divide. Labels The traditional greeting and departure gesture is a salute. When greeting men, this is often accompanied by a handshake. To show further respect, support your handshake – always with your right hand – by grabbing your right forearm with your left hand. Korean women generally don't shake hands. A non-Korean woman may extend her hand to a Korean man, unless he is of higher status, in which case he will initiate the handshake. Pay attention to context and behavior. Eye contact generally conveys attention, although regular eye contact is less appropriate between people of different ranks or between men and women. Physical contact, unless you are a family member or close friend, is generally inappropriate. A smile from your Korean counterpart may not indicate approval, but rather embarrassment that he cannot announce publicly. Likewise, a nod during a conversation may not indicate agreement, but simply understanding. Aside from a handshake, it is inappropriate to physically touch – with a tap on the shoulder or a pat on the back – a Korean person. When sitting, keep your feet on the floor; feet are considered dirty and soles (even if covered by shoes) should always be pointed downward, so avoid extending your legs or crossing them in a way that points the sole of your foot towards someone A. Pass objects with both hands or with your right hand supported by your left at the wrist or forearm. Don't point withyour index finger. Don't invite a person with only one index finger. To signal, extend your arm with your palm facing down and move your fingers up and down. Waving to someone higher in rank than you is disrespectful. Negotiating Negotiating in South Korea can be a fairly formal affair. There is prescribed etiquette for most situations in the country, and it is important to familiarize yourself with the proper protocols in order to gain both the respect and trust of your business counterparts. Most South Koreans are not fluent in English and you will probably need to hire a translator. A good translator can help you understand the unique cultural aspects of your interlocutors' behavior, allowing you to negotiate effectively. Be aware that South Koreans can be tough negotiators. However, this does not take away from the emphasis on a strong and friendly business relationship. Respond in kind if they become competitive, but be sure to maintain a balance between competition and a friendly atmosphere. Meetings South Korean business culture is very nuanced and expected behavior is often significantly different from Western social norms. Take the time to familiarize yourself with South Korean culture so you can build a solid foundation of trust and cooperation. A stable, long-term relationship is considered a high priority in the business world, and it's important to make an effort to interact with your counterparts on their terms. Preparation: - It is a good idea to use an intermediary when making initial contact with a potential business counterpart. The intermediary can help create a feeling of trust from the first stages of the business relationship. He or she can also help bridge cultural gaps between you and your counterparts. A chamber of commerce, bank or embassy can help you find a suitable contact to carry out this function. Send your peers information about your company, its accomplishments, its expertise, and what makes its products superior to those of similar companies. South Koreans like to be well informed about their potential business partners. They also take hierarchies seriously. Provide them with a list of team members before the meeting. List each member of your team in hierarchical order and include titles, roles and qualifications. You will probably need a translator during the meeting. Find out in advance and allow extra time for translation into your schedule. Choose a translator who is both multicultural and multilingual. A good translator can also help you understand important cultural nuances. It's probably a good idea to hire a male translator, as South Koreans often don't view women in the workplace as fully equal. If your counterparts offer to provide a translator, politely decline: you want a translator who is part of your own team, to give you the best advantage. Be sure to plan a strategy with your translator before the meeting. Have a workout. It's important to make sure you work well together. Using a few Korean phrases can make a good impression on your professional counterparts. Planning In South Korea's formal business environment, meetings must be planned well in advance. Be aware that your South Korean counterparts may be reluctant to let you know directly if they are not interested and may instead respond with a very weak expression of interest. Your intermediary can help you direct your presentation towards your audiencesspecific. Make sure you prepare a well-developed presentation; include a comprehensive agenda and a clear proposal. You will need to bring all the materials you need for your presentation. When scheduling your appointment, be sure to request any items you cannot provide (like a sound system or projector). Business Attire Koreans tend to dress well and quite conservatively. If you adapt this attire during a visit, it shows respect for your host's culture. Standard attire for men is a Western-style business suit in dark or muted colors, along with a white shirt and tie. A suit is standard regardless of the weather or season. Professional women should stick with conservative business suits or dresses in dark or subdued colors, and avoid revealing or tight clothing. Since many people sit on the floor in restaurants, it is best to avoid short, tight skirts as they are impractical anyway. Sleeveless tops and miniskirts are not considered professional, although a nice jacket over a sleeveless top would be acceptable. The dark, traditional, subdued color palette of yesteryear is starting to give way to brighter colors, especially among the younger generation of employees. Visitors should, however, refrain from dressing in bright colors until they have a better idea and a better sense of their host's business climate inside. Dressing in a refined manner will improve people's opinion of you. Avoid rich-looking jewelry, which your counterpart may consider ostentatious. Meeting Protocol South Koreans conduct their business with great formality. It is important to respect their customs and interact with them on their terms in order to establish a solid foundation for your business relationship. Entering the meeting room: Hierarchy Your counterparts' team will enter the room in hierarchical order; the senior member will sit in the middle of their side of the table. You must enter the room the same way. Pay attention to how people are treated in the South Korean team. Superiors are treated with great respect and subtle acts of deference will tell you how the team is structured. Introductions Introductions are accompanied by a gentle handshake – avoid offering a warm “Western-style” handshake. Younger South Koreans sometimes bow slightly to those who are older or older than them. Forms of Address Address your counterparts using the titles Mr./Ms./Miss and their last name. First names are very personal in South Korea and are only used by close friends. Some older South Koreans prefer that their first name not even be spoken out loud when they are in the room. Many South Koreans share common last names, and in large companies, people may be known by their title, last name, and department, for example "Mr. Kim from Engineering". Professional and academic titles are a sign of prestige and should be used whenever applying. These titles are used after a person's last name, for example "Kim, paksa" (Dr. Kim). The honorary title “Son Saeng Nim” (teacher or honored person) is an appropriate title for an elder. Business cards Business cards are exchanged with two hands. Having one side of your card printed in Korean will be well received. Take a minute to study your counterpart's card as a sign of respect before putting it away. THESouth Koreans generally write their names in English for ease of pronunciation, as a courtesy to their foreign counterparts. Be sure to include your title and any special degrees or qualifications on your card. Bring plenty, as cards are constantly being exchanged. Body language Ask your translator for recommendations on body language so you can synchronize what you say with the right gestures. Avoid physical contact and do not stand too close to your counterparts. Large hand gestures are considered rude. Making eye contact is a sign of interest and respect. South Koreans often nod their heads in understanding; a nod does not necessarily mean agreement. Some gestures common in Western cultures have a completely different meaning in South Korea. Holding the palm of the hand up and waving the fingers up and down means goodbye to Westerners, but “come here” to South Korea. The American symbol "ok", with the thumb and index finger forming a circle, means money. Winking has no meaning in South Korean culture and beckoning with one finger is only used for animals. Never point your finger at a person or thing; instead, use an open hand, with the palm facing up. Decision-making power structures: Confucianism, a philosophy that emphasizes social order, is embedded in Korean society. Everyone has a distinct place and role within a structure, whether family or workplace, and those who have seniority, whether in terms of age, education or position, are more respected. The most educated and longest-serving employees are traditionally those who move up the ranks. However, the business climate is slowly moving toward a more performance-based merit system. Yet, concerned with this social order, Koreans rarely act as individuals, but rely on group cohesion. The top-down management structure gradually becomes more inclusive of group opinions and consensus. Thus, in certain cases, top managers play the role of coordinators of the process more than real decision-makers. Note that the title “director” is often given to middle management positions in Korea. This creates a risk of confusion if the visiting team comes from a country that uses titles differently. For example, in the United States, a director may be the equivalent of a company president. Especially if your position in your company ranks you higher than middle management, you may want to study the Korean understanding of your title and make adjustments accordingly in how you present yourself. Key Contacts: - Although many companies adhere to a hierarchical structure, much of the responsibilities are also delegated to subordinates. It is essential that respect is given to all levels of employees, not just your counterpart or immediate manager. Gifts and splitting the bill It is customary to exchange small gifts with professional counterparts. If you give a gift, your counterparts will likely return the favor, so make sure your choice is within a price range they can afford. Money can also be exchanged before or after signing a contract; This is not considered a bribe, but it is probably best to consult a business consultant for guidelines. Money must be returned in an envelope and gifts must be wrapped. Opening a gift in front of the giver is considered a sign of greed. Alcohol is a good choice when.