
  • Essay / Trying to shed light on Scientology - 842

    When I think of Scientology, I visualize the faces of this religion, especially Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Leah Remini. John Travolta made headlines about a decade ago over the treatment he withheld from his autistic son because it went against Scientology's beliefs. Leah Remini recently made headlines for bashing her once-beloved religion. Scientology is a very controversial religion, with the youngest religion being twenty years old. So what makes Scientology so controversial? Could this be due to the secrecy surrounding the religion or the fact that many people are now leaving Scientology and speaking so publicly about the religion? According to, Scientology was founded in 1954 by Ron L. Hubbard. Scientology “is a means of leading its followers toward true spiritual liberation and freedom” (Paragraph 3). Scientology is based on important beliefs: one is that you are an immortal spiritual being, two that your life extends beyond this life and that humans are relatively good; in which their survival depends on oneness with the universe ( Para 3-4). Scientologists focus on the personal self and the human being as a whole. At first glance, their beliefs share a similarity with Buddhism. In this, they both work on self-improvement as a path to salvation. Both religions are more philosophies by which to live your life. The two religions split when more was learned about Scientology. For example, one difference is that Scientologists are expected to pay cash to obtain self-visualization. Another major difference is that Scientologists believe in extraterrestrials. After reading, "Xenu, who was a galactic ruler who brought people to earth, detonated...... middle of paper...... Para 3). To achieve full disclosure it would take years within the religion to learn them. This means spending thousands of dollars to obtain this information. People need to see this religion for what it really is, which is a scam. It's a way of mentally controlling people into handing over money. Since this religion has the same basis as Buddhism, why not try this religion? Buddhism has been around for centuries. After reading many articles about Scientology, none of them put this religion in the light of good. This religion resembles science fiction, which is entirely appropriate given that its founder was a science fiction writer and most of its followers are actors who play fictional characters themselves. It is hard to believe that any sane person would adhere to a religion based on the doctrine it preaches. As Ebert and Roeper would say: “I give this religion a thumbs up..”