
  • Essay / The Advantage of a College Education - 809

    The most important decision any individual must make after high school is whether or not to pursue a college education. Many factors could influence this decision; so it is common for a person to wonder whether a college education is really important or not. Although the facts and details suggest that attending college will provide a huge advantage and the opportunity to achieve a higher level of success; many high school students don't like school. It is a well-known fact that a college education can be the path to a prosperous career; but it is also an important stage of life where a young adult can truly become an individual. Many consider a college degree to be the primary key to achieving a prosperous future and effective skills; it is for this reason that college education would be effective in any work environment. Some people say that going to college is a waste of time and money; although a college education would guarantee respectable employment and a stable career. Additionally, the earning potential after obtaining a college degree would be greater than that of someone without a college degree, and many employers prefer to hire someone with a college degree of some sort. A person who acquires a college degree has a greater percentage of extremely good outcomes in the future. However, the benefits of a college degree would be viewed differently for each student; On the other hand, any student would agree that while in college, some kind of life lesson was learned. College is an environment in which a student learns something in one way or another. A person could learn something by joining an organization that would help teach life skills. Middle of paper Two years of college could earn up to $250,000 more than someone who didn't attend college at all. That's more than a quarter of a million dollars more for a college graduate. Likewise, a college degree would improve the chances of a more satisfying career. When a company is considering a new employee for a position, many base their opinion on a college education. The pursuit of higher education is the dynamic force behind every successful individual. Completing a college education offers an advantage in several respects. Students would learn new things, meet new people, and have an advantage in getting to where they want to be in the future. A college education would increase the chances of professional success and earning potential. While pursuing a college education, a student would also have the chance to learn more about what they really want in life..