
  • Essay / Personal Robot or Not: I Robot - 1386

    Think ten years in the future, when you come home from work and the house has been cleaned, the kids have started their homework, and dinner is almost finished. After dinner you sit back and relax while your kids are in bed and the kitchen is cleaned, soon you are going to have a bath already prepared for you. Your personal robot completing the long list of tasks you gave it has plugged itself in for the night and will be ready for more work tomorrow. Domestic robots or service robots are machines designed to perform household tasks. These robots are slowly becoming more and more popular in our growing world. “Since its humble beginnings in the mid-20th century, the field has enjoyed great success in manufacturing and industrial robotics, as well as personal and service robots of all kinds” (Bekey 17). Technology is constantly evolving and we need to keep up. In recent years, smartphones and tablets have had a tremendous impact on civilization. The use of technology and robotics is a silent debate that needs to be heard. The use of domestic robots must be considered from a social, economic, technological and military and medical point of view. Robots are everywhere and their uses are limitless if properly equipped. There are many definitions of robots, due to all their uses. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a robot is a machine that can do the work of a person and that operates automatically or is controlled by a computer. More specific definitions of a robot are machines capable of automatically performing a complex series of actions, or machines resembling human beings and capable of automatically replicating certain human movements and functions. Each robot is designed from...... middle of paper ......volution. New York: Harry Abrams Incorporated, 2005. 7, 159-162. Print. Kortenkamp, ​​David, Peter Bonasso and Robin Murphy. Artificial intelligence and mobile robots. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press, 1998. 73. Print. Lin, Patrick, Keith Abney, and George A. Bekey. Robot ethics: the ethical and social implications of robotics. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2012. Print. McGee, G. (2007). A code of ethics for robots. The Scientist, 21(5), 30. Retrieved from "robot." Merriam Webster. Merriam-Webster, January 1, 2014. Web. April 18, 2014. .Pez, Johnny. “The History of the Positronic Robot and Founding Stories.” The History of the Positronic Robot and Founding Stories. Np, and Web. April 26. 2014. .