
  • Essay / The government should provide assistance to people sexually...

    A soldier is one of the most honorable professions in society. These men and women are risking their own lives to protect American citizens. Soldiers participate in selfless acts of fighting for their own country, and such an honorable duty deserves respect. Over the years, statistics have surfaced as soldiers have come forward claiming they were sexually assaulted while in the U.S. military. This is not a small number of individuals: 46% of U.S. military personnel have been sexually assaulted.6 The U.S. government must act to protect these people who have always protected us. The Senate must pass legislation that will protect victims, keep abusers away, and address the trauma these people have faced. The corruption surrounding sexual assault in the U.S. military is extremely devastating. Many women reported rape only to be told that they were lying, that there was not enough evidence, or that their rape kit had been lost.7 In some cases, the attackers were the commanding officer of the victim; these officials committed 25% of sexual assaults.6 The military has enormous power in this country and uses its power to cover up its own criminal acts. It is difficult for victims to come forward during these horrific attacks. Women who come forward lose their ranking or nothing is done because the person they speak to is friends with the abuser. It is estimated that more than 85 to 90 percent of rapes committed in the U.S. military go unreported. Over the years, floods of people have come forward, but the number of unreported cases remains the same.6 The documentary Invisible War has done a wonderful job of putting this problem in the public eye and our government, which has recently passed a law. ..... middle of paper ......orward about their attacks. The only way to stop these attacks is for more people to come forward and the criminals to be punished for their actions. In the documentary, a woman said that rapists are restorative criminals, which is why they must be imprisoned for the safety of the military but also for the safety of society.7 The next part discussed is the care of the victims. These attacks are very traumatic, women and men need appropriate care in order to overcome this overwhelming obstacle they have faced. This law should be passed to help protect these women and men whose dreams have been destroyed by the trauma they have faced. The more people who report these attacks, the more criminals will be arrested and fewer incidents of rape will be seen in the US military. This will make the current population and those of years to come safer..