
  • Essay / Lovely Girl - 1290

    Sometimes I think I'm in love with Savannah Cotten, but sometimes only because she claims she doesn't know who I am every time I see her in public because I don't Don't go to the big school again. But I think I love her when she comes to babysit me every Thursday night while Mom plays bridge with Mrs. Rogers down the street. She still smelled of ivory soap and strawberry gum. I think it's important because it's the one thing about her that always stays the same. My older brother Jackson once called her reckless, and I wasn't sure what that meant and when I asked he told me it was like when she got into that drive with this man one morning instead of taking the school bus like she was supposed to. on Thursday, when she came to watch me, we sat on the couch and watched reality TV. I didn't understand why because she once told me that she hated reality TV because it was just fake people acting stupid and trying to make it seem real and then she told me to never pretend because I deserved to be myself and I agreed because I didn't know what else to say even though I wasn't very sure what she meant. I saw one of the girls on the show leave her house through her window in the middle of the night and I remembered several times I saw Savannah do it too. The last time was a few weeks ago, I saw her from my window. It was very late at night, so late that it was early morning. Mom told me it was bad for my health to stay up so late, but I was reading a good book so I thought maybe it wasn't okay. There was a lot of commotion right outside my window, which looked directly into Savannah's room. When I looked outside, I saw her in a very short white dress, even shorter than what she... middle of paper ... the best cough syrup is just a sip of 'water. Willow wore the long sleeves, but she's growing, she's evolving, and she's learning to understand things. For me too, it took me a while to realize that everyone does things for a reason and sometimes you have to try to imagine a person's reasons before you can understand who they are. So, every day we grow from the experiences that leave scars, and even when the cut is so deep that it seems like it will never heal, it still does. Willow is still having trouble understanding this, but she's starting to get over it. That's why I love her, she always comes. She tries, she does her best and even though she can't always keep it real, she tries. All arms outstretched, I found my place at the table, right next to Willow. I'm happy with where I am and I know that somewhere the lovely girl is too..